[PVE-User] Confusing about Bond 802.3ad

Ronny Aasen ronny+pve-user at aasen.cx
Fri Aug 24 19:06:09 CEST 2018

On 24.08.2018 12:01, Gilberto Nunes wrote:
> So what bond mode I suppose to use in order to get more speed? I mean how
> to join the nic to get 4 GB? I will use Ceph!
> I know I should use 10gb but I dont have it right now.
> Thanks
> Em 24/08/2018 03:01, "Dietmar Maurer" <dietmar at proxmox.com> escreveu:
>>> This 802.3ad do no suppose to agrengate the speed of all available NIC??

ceph osd's with talk to different hosts, so the total traffic will 
spread out over the 1gbps links.
using  layer3+4 will a spread this out even better. since the different 
osd's will use different links as well.
ceph + lacp is a good fit.

BUT! ceph's latency will be limited to the 1gbps link, so while you can 
get better thruput from 4 channels, you will not get the lower latency. 
and on a vm the latency impacts the "feel" of the vm performance more 
then the thruput.   This is also why 25gbps is better then 40gbps (in 
effect 4x10gbps) for storage iops/latency

kind regards
Ronny Aasen

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