[PVE-User] Proxmox VE 5.x deployments with Ansible

Musee Ullah lae at lae.is
Wed Oct 4 02:19:41 CEST 2017

Hey all,

It's been a while. I just a cut a release of an Ansible role that now
supports deploying PVE 5.x nodes (it still supports 4.x), as well as
configuring HTTPS certificates for the nodes. Most of the requests from
the previous email thread (back in March)  were also implemented long
ago, but I happened to not cut a release for them until now. (For more
info, check the releases page: https://github.com/lae/ansible-role-prox

You can see a successful test deployment of 5.x/Debian Stretch here: ht
tps://travis-ci.org/lae/ansible-role-proxmox/jobs/282937447#L4975 -
I've also successfully tested creating a cluster with pvecm locally
using this (I'll eventually add this functionality into the Ansible

Anyway, if any of you have time to do a 5.x deployment (or even manage
an existing 4.x deployment) using this role, I'd love to get your input
as to what could be improved.

The role is available on Ansible Galaxy at https://galaxy.ansible.com/l
ae/proxmox/ (the README tab has a quickstart section with an example
single host deployment).

Also one more thing to note - this can easily be used to keep 4.x and
5.x clusters up to date (it'll upgrade to the latest in their series) -
but it can't be used for automating an upgrade from 4.x to 5.x (too
many variables to consider, honestly).
Musee Ullah <lae at lae.is>
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