[PVE-User] Shared storage on NAS speed - LVM(over iSCSI) vs NFS

Mikhail m at plus-plus.su
Wed Jul 19 17:30:01 CEST 2017

On 07/19/2017 05:15 PM, Michael Rasmussen wrote:
> Try do read here:
> http://dennisfleurbaaij.blogspot.dk/2013/01/setting-up-linux-mdadm-raid-array-with.html


Thanks, I also checked that post earlier today.

Basically, it looks like MDADM array, and LVM on top (and possibly FS
inside the VMs) need to be created with manual calculations for
alignment and these calculations need to be specified on the command
line at the time of creation. It is pity to find out this now, when
server is in active use - many manuals mention that MDADM, LVM, etc are
smart enough these days to make these calculations automatically at the
time of creation, but this does not appear to be true and that's where
problems come from later on.

I guess my only way to fix this is to migrate everything off that server
and reinstall it from scratch, throwing away things like MDADM and LVM
this time and replacing them with ZFS for storage purposes.

Thanks all.

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