[PVE-User] Lower Diskspace

Philip Abernethy p.abernethy at proxmox.com
Fri Aug 25 10:28:06 CEST 2017

PVE doesn't support shrinking disk images via GUI (the easy way) due to
the dangers involved. You can very easily lose data that way. That
doesn't mean it's actively blocking it. You can still do it the way you
would on any distro.
Get yourself a second, smaller image, create the partition(s) and
FS(es) and rsync the stuff over.
If you're hellbent on doing it in situ:
1. !!BACKUP!!
2. Defrag the FS(es)
3. Shrink FS(es) to fit
4. Shrink partition(s) to fit
5. Move partition(s), if necessary
6. Shrink image to desired size
7. Grow and move partition(s) and FS(es) if necessary or desired
8. Hope that nothing went wrong


On Fri, 2017-08-25 at 08:01 +0000, Daniel wrote:
> Hi there,
> is there any way to lower the Disks from a Container?
> I just see that I can increase it but I want to decrease the disk..
> For example from 500GB to 50GB
> --
> Grüsse
> Daniel
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