[PVE-User] proxmoxm 4.x live migration

Tonči Stipičević tonci at suma-informatika.hr
Mon Jul 25 13:35:11 CEST 2016

Hello to all,

after I migrated to the latest version (enterprise - repos), have tested 
live migration.

So , vm-win7  cannot survive more than 2 migrations.

I usually start pinging   from cli and then do the migration.

So after migration  prox1 ->  prox2 it is still pinging ,

after prox2 -> prox1 it is still pinging

but after the 3rd move (prox1 > 2)  it blocks , ping stops , windows 
explorer does not work , "restart" can be selected but it won't execute ....

This cluster was installed from scratch and this is the only vm I 
have.   (ovs-switch is also involved )

Is there anything alse to be checked / configured ?

Thank you very much in advance
Best regards

Tonci Stipicevic

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