[PVE-User] plan-b - fast OpenVZ backups

OSiUX xuiso at osiux.com.ar
Thu Mar 26 13:39:29 CET 2015

Hi everybody! I am a happy user of PROXMOX and
recently did some scripts, forked from ezvzdump:

bz-local    Backup a running OpenVZ container local
bz-remote   Backup a running OpenVZ container over the network

bz-du   Visualize size of all backups of bz-remote
vz-du   Visualize size of all backups of vzdump
vz-rm   Verify which backups can be removed, and remove with -D parameter





I hope to be useful, comments and suggestions!



  Osiris Alejandro Gomez (OSiUX) osiux at osiux.com.ar
  DC44 95D2 0D5D D544 FC1A F00F B308 A671 9237 D36C
  http://www.osiux.com.ar http://www.altermundi.net
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