[PVE-User] cluster node donit disappear

Ugo Vasi ugo.vasi at procne.it
Mon Aug 31 10:36:30 CEST 2015

Hi all,

I configured a cluster of two Proxmoxservers. Lately I had to remove one 
of the nodes by following the procedures of the wiki, as I had already 
done successfully previously.I had given the command "pvecm expected 1" 
and then "pvecm delnode node2".

In the current situation, with the command "pvecm nodes" properly I get 
a list with only the active host. In the web interface, however, still 
it appears the host that I deleted. In the ghost node (the deleted one) 
still appear a couple of VM that I had not removed before deleting the 
server from the cluster.

How can I get rid of the ghost-servercluster?


   U g o   V a s i    <ugo.vasi at procne.it>
   P r o c n e  s.r.l    >)
   via Cotonificio 45  33010 Tavagnacco IT
   phone: +390432486523 fax: +390432486523

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