[PVE-User] Upgrade 3.2 to 3.3

Hector Suarez Planas hector.suarez at codesa.co.cu
Mon Sep 15 16:19:09 CEST 2014

Hi, Joerg.

I made a litle manual of upgrading Proxmox from instalation CD.

Sorry for my bad English.

Manual to update Proxmox from the installation CD.

1.- First of all, make sure the dpkg-dev package is installed on the FTP server, if not, install it using the command:

    # apt-get install dpkg-dev

2.- Install CD in a folder as a loop device:

    # mount -t loop <File Location>/proxmox-ve_3.2-5a885216-5.iso /media/cdrom

3.- Create a similar structure of Proxmox repo:

    # mkdir -p /srv/ftp/linux/distros/proxmox/debian/dists/wheezy/pve-cd/binary-amd64/

4.- Copy the contents of the proxmox/packages folder into the root of the installation CD to the destination above created:

    # cp /media/cdrom/proxmox/packages/* /srv/ftp/linux/distros/proxmox/debian/dists/wheezy/pve-cd/binary-amd64/

5.- Copy the GPG key file on the local Proxmox repo:

    If you have an Internet connection, the file is downloaded to a local folder

    # cd /srv/ftp/linux/distros/proxmox/debian
    # wget -O- "http://download.proxmox.com/debian/key.asc"

    Otherwise, if you do not have an Internet connection, then the key file is copied to a local folder

    # cp <File Location>/key.asc /srv/ftp/linux/distros/proxmox/debian/

6.- Remove the CD:
    # umount /media/cdrom

7.- Be located in the folder /srv/ftp/linux/distros/proxmox/debian/ :

    cd /srv/ftp/linux/distros/proxmox/debian/

8.- Create the list of packages to be readable and downloadable by APT:

    dpkg-scanpackages dists/wheezy/pve-cd/binary-amd64/ /dev/null | gzip > dists/wheezy/pve-cd/binary-amd64/Packages.gz

    The resulting file, Packages.gz, will finally be inside the folder


    At the end, the local repo remain ready for use.

9.- On Proxmox VE Server, I modify the PVE Enterprise file pve-enterprise.list into the folder /etc/apt/sources.list.d. this is the new content:

    deb http://<FTP server>/linux/distros/proxmox/debian wheezy pve-cd

 If you want to use the PVE test repo, you can add the following line
 deb http://<FTP server>/linux/distros/proxmox/debian wheezy pvetest
 I this case, my local repo of PVE Test.

NOTE: Well, it worked for me.

This work fine for me with this ISO file: proxmox-ve_3.2-5a885216-5.iso.

I don't dowload the latest ISO yet.

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