[PVE-User] Unusual .ssh/config for root

Simone Piccardi piccardi at truelite.it
Wed Oct 22 15:42:24 CEST 2014


I got some problems with the Ciphers config that I found in the 
.ssh/config installed in the root home (ie /root/.ssh/config).

I seems a Proxmox installed this file because I cannot find this file in 
a standard Wheezy installation.

The problem is when connecting with some firewall distribution (I got it 
for IpFire, but I suspect it possible with other ones restricting the 
usable Ciphers).

The problem it that a normal ssh command simply give a "Connection 
closed by XX.XX.XX.XX" when trying a connection. The same command  works 
fine if you add -c aes128-ctr to command line.

Looking at that config file I found blowfish-cbc as the first on the 
list. If you remove it or put at the end of the list everithing work 
again.  I don't understand why blowfish-cbc has to be the first choice. 
I solved the problem in my server by using the following content of that 


but I'd like to know is this is something that can break other services 
(like cluster one, that I'm not using in this case).

Simone Piccardi                                 Truelite Srl
piccardi at truelite.it (email/jabber)             Via Monferrato, 6
Tel. +39-347-1032433                            50142 Firenze
http://www.truelite.it  Tel. +39-055-7879597    Fax. +39-055-7333336

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