[PVE-User] using virt-viewer in bash withouth sed and awk...

Diaolin diaolin at diaolin.com
Mon Mar 17 11:39:08 CET 2014

Il 2014-03-17 11:30 Dietmar Maurer ha scritto:
>> I don't know if anyone is interested in...
>> rewritten withouth sed and awk
> Great! That looks much simpler now.
> But depending on attribute order is bad, so I would use the following 
> instead:
> TICKET=${DATA//\"/}
> TICKET=${TICKET##*ticket:}
> CSRF=${DATA//\"/}
> CSRF=${CSRF##*CSRFPreventionToken:}
> CSRF=${CSRF%%,*}
> I guess that would also work?

Just a question:

could i have, via
curl -k -d "username=$USERNAME&password=$PASSWORD" 

the list of spice enabled VM?

Tx, Diaolin

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