[PVE-User] Hot resize of Windows virtio disks ?

Alain Péan alain.pean at lpn.cnrs.fr
Wed Jul 9 21:46:21 CEST 2014

Hi Gilberto,

Le 09/07/2014 21:20, Gilberto Nunes a écrit :
> I make some research here, I seems to me that resize disk works only 
> with no-system boot disk.
> So, with C: wouldn't work!

If you read carefully the first post, and the code extract, it seems 
that it is caused by the Proxmox code in qemi.pm, that says :
"die "you can't online resize a virtio windows bootdisk\n" "

So it is explicitly forbiden by the code, even if it should be possible 
wirh Win7/8, 2008 R2/2012 (I never tried and did not verified).
It requires some change in the code, allowing resizing for thses OSes.


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