[PVE-User] System extremely slow when creating a VM...

Diaolin diaolin at diaolin.com
Mon Feb 24 19:13:15 CET 2014

Il 2014-02-24 19:10 Gilberto Nunes ha scritto:
> Hi friends
> I install Proxmox VE 3.1 on IBM System x3100 M4 on top of Debian
> Wheeze.
> System boot normal... I can access PVE web page and manage same parts
> of the system...
>  But when I try create a VM, the system going down extremely slow...
> I can do nothing... Even a ps ax command takes minutes to run...
> I notice this command running on shell
> /usr/bin/qemu-img create -o preallocation=metadata -f qcow2
> /var/lib/vz/images/100/vm-100-disk-1.qcow2 83886080K
> The vm creation takes almost 15 minutes...
> I think this so odd...
> Someone get the same behavior?

No but, if you launch

what is the result?

And pveversion?


S’à destacà l’ultima föia dal bósch nét
crodàda l’ei, solàgna, ‘n mèzz ai sàssi
e ‘ntant fis-ciava ‘n zìfol de oseleti
a tegnìr vìo ‘l pensér che vèn matìna

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