[PVE-User] Proxmox 2.2 reliability

Fábio Rabelo fabio at fabiorabelo.wiki.br
Fri Feb 22 20:55:15 CET 2013

Memtest86+ for 48 hours ...

Stresslinux ( fhttps://
for motherboard/processor for a entire week !

There are a dedicated switcher for interconect storage and all 5 nodes,
Supermicro like evething else, the log in it do nor show any packet lost .

Nothing in PVE log, it just stay with the five pseudo leds blinking forever

Lots of things in suslog, but any error nor warning .

Fábio Rabelo

2013/2/22 Laurent CARON <lcaron at unix-scripts.info>

> On 22/02/2013 19:38, Fábio Rabelo wrote:
>> Hi to all ...
>> People who are using Proxmox 2.2 :
>> Are they reliable ?
>> I am having a lot of problems with 2.2 , problems that i do not have
>> with 1.9 !!!!
>> I try to migrate a VM from one node to another ...
>> sometimes it works fine ...
>> but others it just stuck in the middle of the task, and stay there
>> forever !!! no error, nothing !
>> I try to create a VM, some times it works , and sometimes is get stuck
>> in the task, no error, nothing !!!
>> When any one of this problems happens, the only way to get the cluster
>> working again are reboot all nodes !!!
>> All the hardware are Supermicro dua Opteron with 8 cores .
>> I am really concern here, my deadline are coming, I need to get this
>> system on production, but I can thrust it !!!
>> It will replace a 2 years running Proxmox 1.x !!!
>> I allready installed everything from scrach 2 times, following carefuly
>> all setup steps in documentation .
>> Any advise will be welcome ...
> Hi,
> Do you have any error message in logs, did you test your hardware
> (memtest, NICs, ...) ?
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