[PVE-User] General networking question

VIDAL, Thomas (Bioversity-France) t.vidal at cgiar.org
Tue Oct 23 10:28:48 CEST 2012

Dear Alexandre,

Thanks for your answer. That's true that it should be better to keep all 
interface in the case of a problem.

Then can I ask you one more question ?
In proxmox I have 8 ethx, and so 8 vmbrx. But I can add the gateway only 
on one vmbr, on other vmbr Proxmox said that I can set the same gateway. 
Is it normal ? This is not really important because right now everything 
is working... but as I said I would like to understand a little bit 
better all the network things in virtualization..
And so if someone has good network in virtualization 
examples/tutorial..... I didn't find good stuf on the web for the moment.

All the best


Le 19/10/2012 18:00, Alexandre Kouznetsov a écrit :
> Hello.
> El 19/10/12 07:31, VIDAL, Thomas (Bioversity-France) escribió:
>> One thing is that you (and wiki) wrote VLANs. But do we need using VLAN
>> is the case of bonding ? On my switch I can agregate several ports
>> without VLAN ID etc... am I wrong ?
> In case of bonding, VLAN setup is very much similar is if it where a 
> physical card, it just involve an additional step.
> First create your Bond device, using your physical Ethernet devices as 
> "Slaves". Then create your bridge, using bond0 (or whatever you called 
> it) as "Bridge port". After that, use your bridge normally.
> It's usually a good idea not to bond _all_ your Ethernet interfaces. 
> In case of something going wrong with the bonding setup, it's very 
> handy to use a plain Ethernet device for connection to the control 
> panel or shell.
> Greetings.


Thomas VIDAL (t.vidal at cgiar.org)
Computer Technology Department

Parc Scientifique Agropolis II
1990 Bd de la Lironde
34980 Montferrier sur Lez - France
Tel: (33)467612907
Fax: (33)467610334
Skype : tvidal-inibap

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The software said "Requires Windows 2000, Windows XP, or better,..."
So I installed Linux Ubuntu !

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