[PVE-User] [m.vaschetto at snservice.net: Re: how to migrate]

Daniel Pittman daniel at rimspace.net
Mon Apr 12 14:34:50 CEST 2010

Patryk Benderz <Patryk.Benderz at esp.pl> writes:
> Dnia 2010-04-12, pon o godzinie 11:54 +0200, Marco Vaschetto pisze:
>> Ok, tanks for your answer, I will waiting for it.
>> Have some idea for the stable release of the version 2.x is ready? Or have
>> some unstable release I can download?
> [cut]
> looking back at release cycles, I am afraid you will have to wait pretty
> long for this.

In all seriousness, is there anything that can be done to help this along?

For example, is this a question of money to pay for focused development, where
having someone contribute cash would get it done faster?

I ask, because at work we have a real need for HA for OpenVZ nodes, and it
would be great if Proxmox supported that over DRBD, or some other shared

If funding that would get it done sooner we might be able to look at something
to cover that — certainly, it might be less expensive than building it

✣ Daniel Pittman            ✉ daniel at rimspace.net            ☎ +61 401 155 707
               ♽ made with 100 percent post-consumer electrons

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