[PVE-User] proxmox initrd and "root=LABEL=/"

Felix Krohn felix.krohn at ovh.net
Mon Dec 15 16:30:43 CET 2008


For my automated proxmox installs I prefer not having / on lvm, I chose
to have / (including /boot) on the first partition. I also prefer the
following grub configuration

        root (hd0,0)
        kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-1-pve root=LABEL=/ ro
        initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-1-pve

over the "root=/dev/something" parameter writing. However, the proxmox
initrd doesn't like that:

	/init: line 189: syntax error: 0xLABEL=/ & 255
	Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempting to kill init!

Any ideas of a workaround? or do you think the root=/dev/something is
indispensable for some reason? (why?)

And one more question - does it have a special reason that / is on LVM
by default? I can't think of a reason why I could benefit of LVM for /
in comparison to having it on a dedicated partition, which aspect did I
forget? :-)

Koßmannstraße 35
66119 Saarbrücken
E-Mail: felix.krohn at ovh.de
Tel.: +49(0)681 906730
Web: http://www.ovh.de

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