[PVE-User] Proxmox, documentation and Howtos

reine hålldin reine.halldin at itresource.se
Wed Apr 23 14:25:35 CEST 2008


Rely like the idea with Proxmox VE, but find the documentation is
So I have a few questions:

How old/young is this project?

QEMU and KVM supports a broad range of virtual disk formats as far as I
know, but how do I import and configure them and where should I put
Or may be its better to convert VMWare files to a native format?
But then on the other hand, where do I find information on “howto” do

Can an ISO be mounted form the web interface? 
Would be nice if one could ”mount” an ISO that's local to the host OR
local to the Client.

Would be nice if there were some way to handle USB from the GUI

I have quite a few VMWare machines I would like to import.

Is it possible to convert a VMWare Linux to a VZ ?

Is there any P2virtual tools available that exports to KVM or VZ.

Lots of questions but this is indeed interesting, and indeed a snug fit
for us if we can  work it out.

Best regards

reine hålldin 
IT Resource 

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