[pve-devel] [PATCH qemu-server v4 2/9] refactor: move rng related code into its own module

Filip Schauer f.schauer at proxmox.com
Tue Feb 18 12:10:55 CET 2025

Move code related to VirtIO RNG configuration for a VM to its own

Signed-off-by: Filip Schauer <f.schauer at proxmox.com>
 PVE/QemuServer.pm       | 60 +---------------------------
 PVE/QemuServer/Makefile |  1 +
 PVE/QemuServer/RNG.pm   | 86 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 PVE/QemuServer/RNG.pm

diff --git a/PVE/QemuServer.pm b/PVE/QemuServer.pm
index a1237c05..09d2b3a8 100644
--- a/PVE/QemuServer.pm
+++ b/PVE/QemuServer.pm
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ use PVE::QemuServer::MetaInfo;
 use PVE::QemuServer::Monitor qw(mon_cmd);
 use PVE::QemuServer::PCI qw(print_pci_addr print_pcie_addr print_pcie_root_port parse_hostpci);
 use PVE::QemuServer::QMPHelpers qw(qemu_deviceadd qemu_devicedel qemu_objectadd qemu_objectdel);
+use PVE::QemuServer::RNG qw(check_rng_source parse_rng);
 use PVE::QemuServer::USB;
 my $have_sdn;
@@ -248,36 +249,6 @@ my $spice_enhancements_fmt = {
-my $rng_fmt = {
-    source => {
-	type => 'string',
-	enum => ['/dev/urandom', '/dev/random', '/dev/hwrng'],
-	default_key => 1,
-	description => "The file on the host to gather entropy from. Using urandom does *not*"
-	    ." decrease security in any meaningful way, as it's still seeded from real entropy, and"
-	    ." the bytes provided will most likely be mixed with real entropy on the guest as well."
-	    ."'/dev/hwrng' can be used to pass through a hardware RNG from the host.",
-    },
-    max_bytes => {
-	type => 'integer',
-	description => "Maximum bytes of entropy allowed to get injected into the guest every"
-	    ." 'period' milliseconds. Use `0` to disable limiting (potentially dangerous!).",
-	optional => 1,
-	# default is 1 KiB/s, provides enough entropy to the guest to avoid boot-starvation issues
-	# (e.g. systemd etc...) while allowing no chance of overwhelming the host, provided we're
-	# reading from /dev/urandom
-	default => 1024,
-    },
-    period => {
-	type => 'integer',
-	description => "Every 'period' milliseconds the entropy-injection quota is reset, allowing"
-	    ." the guest to retrieve another 'max_bytes' of entropy.",
-	optional => 1,
-	default => 1000,
-    },
 my $confdesc = {
     onboot => {
 	optional => 1,
@@ -705,7 +676,7 @@ EODESCR
     rng0 => {
 	type => 'string',
-	format => $rng_fmt,
+	format => 'pve-qm-rng',
 	description => "Configure a VirtIO-based Random Number Generator.",
 	optional => 1,
@@ -1968,16 +1939,6 @@ sub parse_vga {
     return $res;
-sub parse_rng {
-    my ($value) = @_;
-    return if !$value;
-    my $res = eval { parse_property_string($rng_fmt, $value) };
-    warn $@ if $@;
-    return $res;
 sub qemu_created_version_fixups {
     my ($conf, $forcemachine, $kvmver) = @_;
@@ -4017,23 +3978,6 @@ sub config_to_command {
     return wantarray ? ($cmd, $vollist, $spice_port, $pci_devices) : $cmd;
-sub check_rng_source {
-    my ($source) = @_;
-    # mostly relevant for /dev/hwrng, but doesn't hurt to check others too
-    die "cannot create VirtIO RNG device: source file '$source' doesn't exist\n"
-	if ! -e $source;
-    my $rng_current = '/sys/devices/virtual/misc/hw_random/rng_current';
-    if ($source eq '/dev/hwrng' && file_read_firstline($rng_current) eq 'none') {
-	# Needs to abort, otherwise QEMU crashes on first rng access. Note that rng_current cannot
-	# be changed to 'none' manually, so once the VM is past this point, it's no longer an issue.
-	die "Cannot start VM with passed-through RNG device: '/dev/hwrng' exists, but"
-	    ." '$rng_current' is set to 'none'. Ensure that a compatible hardware-RNG is attached"
-	    ." to the host.\n";
-    }
 sub spice_port {
     my ($vmid) = @_;
diff --git a/PVE/QemuServer/Makefile b/PVE/QemuServer/Makefile
index 18fd13ea..83c6af79 100644
--- a/PVE/QemuServer/Makefile
+++ b/PVE/QemuServer/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+	RNG.pm		\
 	USB.pm		\
 	Memory.pm	\
 	ImportDisk.pm	\
diff --git a/PVE/QemuServer/RNG.pm b/PVE/QemuServer/RNG.pm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22d1e9cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PVE/QemuServer/RNG.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+package PVE::QemuServer::RNG;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use PVE::JSONSchema;
+use PVE::Tools qw(file_read_firstline);
+use PVE::QemuServer::PCI qw(print_pci_addr);
+use base 'Exporter';
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
+my $rng_fmt = {
+    source => {
+	type => 'string',
+	enum => ['/dev/urandom', '/dev/random', '/dev/hwrng'],
+	default_key => 1,
+	description => "The file on the host to gather entropy from. Using urandom does *not*"
+	    ." decrease security in any meaningful way, as it's still seeded from real entropy, and"
+	    ." the bytes provided will most likely be mixed with real entropy on the guest as well."
+	    ." '/dev/hwrng' can be used to pass through a hardware RNG from the host.",
+    },
+    max_bytes => {
+	type => 'integer',
+	description => "Maximum bytes of entropy allowed to get injected into the guest every"
+	    ." 'period' milliseconds. Use `0` to disable limiting (potentially dangerous!).",
+	optional => 1,
+	# default is 1 KiB/s, provides enough entropy to the guest to avoid boot-starvation issues
+	# (e.g. systemd etc...) while allowing no chance of overwhelming the host, provided we're
+	# reading from /dev/urandom
+	default => 1024,
+    },
+    period => {
+	type => 'integer',
+	description => "Every 'period' milliseconds the entropy-injection quota is reset, allowing"
+	    ." the guest to retrieve another 'max_bytes' of entropy.",
+	optional => 1,
+	default => 1000,
+    },
+PVE::JSONSchema::register_format('pve-qm-rng', $rng_fmt);
+our $rngdesc = {
+    type => 'string',
+    format => $rng_fmt,
+    optional => 1,
+    description => "Configure a VirtIO-based Random Number Generator.",
+PVE::JSONSchema::register_standard_option('pve-qm-rng', $rngdesc);
+sub parse_rng {
+    my ($value) = @_;
+    return if !$value;
+    my $res = eval { PVE::JSONSchema::parse_property_string($rng_fmt, $value) };
+    warn $@ if $@;
+    return $res;
+sub check_rng_source {
+    my ($source) = @_;
+    # mostly relevant for /dev/hwrng, but doesn't hurt to check others too
+    die "cannot create VirtIO RNG device: source file '$source' doesn't exist\n"
+	if ! -e $source;
+    my $rng_current = '/sys/devices/virtual/misc/hw_random/rng_current';
+    if ($source eq '/dev/hwrng' && file_read_firstline($rng_current) eq 'none') {
+	# Needs to abort, otherwise QEMU crashes on first rng access. Note that rng_current cannot
+	# be changed to 'none' manually, so once the VM is past this point, it's no longer an issue.
+	die "Cannot start VM with passed-through RNG device: '/dev/hwrng' exists, but"
+	    ." '$rng_current' is set to 'none'. Ensure that a compatible hardware-RNG is attached"
+	    ." to the host.\n";
+    }

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