[pve-devel] [PATCH http-server 1/1] fix #5699: pveproxy: add library methods for real IP support

Thomas Lamprecht t.lamprecht at proxmox.com
Mon Nov 25 12:17:41 CET 2024

Am 25.11.24 um 10:05 schrieb Fabian Grünbichler:
> yeah, we could switch to the new format *only* if the header option is set?
> as else, the two IPs are identical anyway, so logging the same one twice
> while breaking the format provides no benefit?
> and then maybe with 9.0 switch the format unconditionally, so that
> parsers/fail2ban configs only need to handle one of them going forward..

Sounds fine to me. Albeit for some this still might break, if they already
use a reverse proxy now – but these people at least could not have any
(working) fail2ban, as they just would have banned the IP of their reverse
proxy, so it should be fine I think.

btw., and sorry if I just missed this on reading, how do others log this?
I.e., is there any somewhat common format and does this patch already
adheres to that format?

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