[pve-devel] [PATCH storage/qemu-server/manager v7] implement ova/ovf import for file based storages

Aaron Lauterer a.lauterer at proxmox.com
Mon Nov 18 18:14:35 CET 2024

Gave this series a test.

GNS3 OVA, the following variants:

OVA location -> Target Storage

local -> local: 	worked
local -> zfs: 		worked
local -> lvm-thin: 	worked
local -> rbd: 		worked

cephfs -> any: did not work. got the following error:
scsi0: storage selected for extraction does not support 'images' content 
type or is not file based.
Which makes me wonder, because in API2/Qemu.pm 184+ we check for 
content->image or if the storage has a path. The the cephfs does have a 
path set.
More inline in [PATCH qemu-server v7 4/5] api: create: add 
'import-working-storage' parameter

Also tested once, overriding the default config:
* CPU type host
* cores
* unique mac
* different vmbr/network
* VirtIO NIC
* VirtIO SCSI controller
* Override the target storage for one of the two disks

Which worked fine.

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