[pve-devel] [PATCH docs/firewall/manager/network/proxmox{-ve-rs, -firewall} v3 00/18] add forward chain firewalling for hosts and vnets

Hannes Duerr h.duerr at proxmox.com
Fri Nov 15 12:25:13 CET 2024

Tested the series also containing some changes of V4.

Tested-by: Hannes Dürr <h.duerr at proxmox.com>

On 12.11.24 13:25, Stefan Hanreich wrote:
> ## Introduction
> This patch series introduces a new direction for firewall rules: forward.
> Additionally this patch series introduces defining firewall rules on a vnet
> level.
> ## Use Cases
> For hosts:
> * hosts utilizing NAT can define firewall rules for NATed traffic
> * hosts utilizing EVPN zones can define rules for exit node traffic
> * hosts acting as gateway can firewall the traffic that passes through them
> For vnets:
> * can create firewall rules globally without having to attach/update security
>    groups to every newly created VM
> This patch series is particularly useful when combined with my other current RFC
> 'autogenerate ipsets for sdn objects'. It enables users to quickly define rules
> like:
> on the host level:
> * only SNAT HTTP traffic from hosts in this vnet to a specific host
> * restricting traffic routed from hosts in one vnet to another vnet
> on the vnet level:
> * only allow DHCP/DNS traffic inside a bridge to the gateway
> Not only does this streamline creating firewall rules, it also enables users to
> create firewall rules that haven't been possible before and needed to rely on
> external firewall appliances.
> Since forwarded traffic goes *both* ways, you generally have to create two rules
> in case of bi-directional traffic. It might make sense to simplify this in the
> future by adding an additional option to the firewall config scheme that
> specifies that rules in the other direction should also get automatically
> generated.
> ## Usage
> For creating forward rules on the cluster/host level, you simply create a new
> rule with the new 'forward' direction. It uses the existing configuration files.
> For creating them on a vnet level, there are new firewall configuration files
> located under '/etc/pve/sdn/firewall/<vnet>.fw'. It utilizes the same
> configuration format as the existing firewall configuration files. You can only
> define rules with direction 'forward' on a vnet-level.
> ## Dependencies
> depends on my other patch series 'autogenerate ipsets for sdn objects', further
> instruction can be found there.
> Furthermore:
> * proxmox-firewall depends on proxmox-ve-rs
> * pve-manager depends on pve-firewall
> * pve-network depends on pve-firewall
> Changes from v2 to v3:
> * do not allow REJECT rules in forward chains in UI and backend - thanks @Hannes
> * use arrow syntax for calling functions instead of &$ - thanks @Hannes
> * set width of new VNet firewall panel via flex, to avoid weird looking panel -
>    thanks @Hannes
> * improve documentation - thanks @Hannes
> * show a warning in the frontend when creating forward rules - thanks @Thomas
> Changes from RFC to v2:
> * Fixed several bugs
>      * SDN Firewall folder does not automatically created (thanks @Gabriel)
>      * Firewall flushes the bridge table if no guest firewall is active, even
>        though VNet-level rules exist
> * VNet-level firewall now matches on both input and output interface
> * Introduced log option for VNet firewall
> * Improved style of perl code (thanks @Thomas)
> * promox-firewall now verifies the directions of rules
>      * added some additional tests to verify this behavior
> * added documentation
> proxmox-ve-rs:
> Stefan Hanreich (4):
>    firewall: add forward direction
>    firewall: add bridge firewall config parser
>    config: firewall: add tests for interface and directions
>    host: add struct representing bridge names
>   proxmox-ve-config/src/firewall/bridge.rs     | 64 +++++++++++++++++++
>   proxmox-ve-config/src/firewall/cluster.rs    | 11 ++++
>   proxmox-ve-config/src/firewall/common.rs     | 11 ++++
>   proxmox-ve-config/src/firewall/guest.rs      | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++
>   proxmox-ve-config/src/firewall/host.rs       | 12 +++-
>   proxmox-ve-config/src/firewall/mod.rs        |  1 +
>   proxmox-ve-config/src/firewall/types/rule.rs | 10 ++-
>   proxmox-ve-config/src/host/mod.rs            |  1 +
>   proxmox-ve-config/src/host/types.rs          | 46 ++++++++++++++
>   9 files changed, 219 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
>   create mode 100644 proxmox-ve-config/src/firewall/bridge.rs
>   create mode 100644 proxmox-ve-config/src/host/types.rs
> proxmox-firewall:
> Stefan Hanreich (4):
>    nftables: derive additional traits for nftables types
>    sdn: add support for loading vnet-level firewall config
>    sdn: create forward firewall rules
>    use std::mem::take over drain()
>   .../resources/proxmox-firewall.nft            |  54 ++++++++
>   proxmox-firewall/src/config.rs                |  88 ++++++++++++-
>   proxmox-firewall/src/firewall.rs              | 122 +++++++++++++++++-
>   proxmox-firewall/src/rule.rs                  |   7 +-
>   proxmox-firewall/tests/integration_tests.rs   |  12 ++
>   .../integration_tests__firewall.snap          |  86 ++++++++++++
>   proxmox-nftables/src/expression.rs            |   8 ++
>   proxmox-nftables/src/types.rs                 |  14 +-
>   8 files changed, 378 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
> pve-firewall:
> Stefan Hanreich (3):
>    sdn: add vnet firewall configuration
>    api: add vnet endpoints
>    firewall: move to arrow syntax for calling functions
>   src/PVE/API2/Firewall/Makefile |   1 +
>   src/PVE/API2/Firewall/Rules.pm |  84 +++++++++++++
>   src/PVE/API2/Firewall/Vnet.pm  | 168 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>   src/PVE/Firewall.pm            | 213 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
>   src/PVE/Firewall/Helpers.pm    |  12 ++
>   5 files changed, 433 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
>   create mode 100644 src/PVE/API2/Firewall/Vnet.pm
> pve-manager:
> Stefan Hanreich (5):
>    firewall: add forward direction to rule panel
>    firewall: add vnet to firewall options component
>    firewall: make base_url dynamically configurable in options component
>    sdn: add firewall panel
>    firewall: rules: show warning when creating forward rules
>   www/manager6/Makefile                |  2 +
>   www/manager6/dc/Config.js            |  9 +++
>   www/manager6/dc/SecurityGroups.js    |  1 +
>   www/manager6/grid/FirewallOptions.js | 74 +++++++++++++++++----
>   www/manager6/grid/FirewallRules.js   | 96 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----
>   www/manager6/lxc/Config.js           |  1 +
>   www/manager6/node/Config.js          |  1 +
>   www/manager6/qemu/Config.js          |  1 +
>   www/manager6/sdn/FirewallPanel.js    | 50 +++++++++++++++
>   www/manager6/sdn/FirewallVnetView.js | 77 ++++++++++++++++++++++
>   10 files changed, 286 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
>   create mode 100644 www/manager6/sdn/FirewallPanel.js
>   create mode 100644 www/manager6/sdn/FirewallVnetView.js
> pve-network:
> Stefan Hanreich (1):
>    firewall: add endpoints for vnet-level firewall
>   src/PVE/API2/Network/SDN/Vnets.pm | 6 ++++++
>   1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)
> pve-docs:
> Stefan Hanreich (1):
>    firewall: add documentation for forward direction
>   Makefile                      |  1 +
>   gen-pve-firewall-vnet-opts.pl | 12 +++++++
>   pve-firewall-vnet-opts.adoc   |  8 +++++
>   pve-firewall.adoc             | 65 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
>   4 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
>   create mode 100755 gen-pve-firewall-vnet-opts.pl
>   create mode 100644 pve-firewall-vnet-opts.adoc
> Summary over all repositories:
>    37 files changed, 1402 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-)

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