[pve-devel] [PATCH installer v4 3/3] proxinstall: expose arc size setting for zfs bootdisks for all products

Christoph Heiss c.heiss at proxmox.com
Fri May 24 12:29:49 CEST 2024

For non-PVE products, simply use the ZFS defaults (aka. 50%) and leave
unset, if the user never touches that setting.

Signed-off-by: Christoph Heiss <c.heiss at proxmox.com>
Changes v3 -> v4:
  * no changes

Changes v2 -> v3:
  * rework based on Maximilano's suggestion using Gtk3::Adjustment

Changes v1 -> v2:
  * add some more explanatory comments

Signed-off-by: Christoph Heiss <c.heiss at proxmox.com>
 Proxmox/Install/RunEnv.pm |  3 ++-
 proxinstall               | 26 +++++++++++++-------------
 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Proxmox/Install/RunEnv.pm b/Proxmox/Install/RunEnv.pm
index 7eaf96a..8322603 100644
--- a/Proxmox/Install/RunEnv.pm
+++ b/Proxmox/Install/RunEnv.pm
@@ -329,7 +329,8 @@ our $ZFS_ARC_SYSMEM_PERCENTAGE = 0.1; # use 10% of available system memory by de
 # Calculates the default upper limit for the ZFS ARC size.
 # Returns the default ZFS maximum ARC size in MiB.
 sub default_zfs_arc_max {
-    # Use ZFS default on non-PVE
+    # For products other the PVE, just let ZFS decide on its own. Setting `0`
+    # causes the installer to skip writing the `zfs_arc_max` module parameter.
     return 0 if Proxmox::Install::ISOEnv::get('product') ne 'pve';
     my $default_mib = get('total_memory') * $ZFS_ARC_SYSMEM_PERCENTAGE;
diff --git a/proxinstall b/proxinstall
index a6a4cfb..bc0e1e4 100755
--- a/proxinstall
+++ b/proxinstall
@@ -1138,20 +1138,20 @@ my $create_raid_advanced_grid = sub {
     push @$labeled_widgets, ['copies', $spinbutton_copies];
-    if ($iso_env->{product} eq 'pve') {
-	my $total_memory = Proxmox::Install::RunEnv::get('total_memory');
+    my $total_memory = Proxmox::Install::RunEnv::get('total_memory');
+    my $arc_max = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_zfs_opt('arc_max') || ($total_memory * 0.5);
+    my $arc_max_adjustment = Gtk3::Adjustment->new(
+	$arc_max, $Proxmox::Install::RunEnv::ZFS_ARC_MIN_SIZE_MIB,
+	$total_memory, 1, 10, 0);
+    my $spinbutton_arc_max = Gtk3::SpinButton->new($arc_max_adjustment, 1, 0);
+    $spinbutton_arc_max->set_tooltip_text('Maximum ARC size in megabytes');
+    $spinbutton_arc_max->signal_connect('value-changed' => sub {
+	my $w = shift;
+	Proxmox::Install::Config::set_zfs_opt('arc_max', $w->get_value_as_int());
+    });
-	my $spinbutton_arc_max = Gtk3::SpinButton->new_with_range(
-	    $Proxmox::Install::RunEnv::ZFS_ARC_MIN_SIZE_MIB, $total_memory, 1);
-	$spinbutton_arc_max->set_tooltip_text('Maximum ARC size in megabytes');
-	$spinbutton_arc_max->signal_connect('value-changed' => sub {
-	    my $w = shift;
-	    Proxmox::Install::Config::set_zfs_opt('arc_max', $w->get_value_as_int());
-	});
-	my $arc_max = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_zfs_opt('arc_max');
-	$spinbutton_arc_max->set_value($arc_max);
-	push @$labeled_widgets, ['ARC max size', $spinbutton_arc_max, 'MiB'];
-    }
+    push @$labeled_widgets, ['ARC max size', $spinbutton_arc_max, 'MiB'];
     push @$labeled_widgets, ['hdsize', $hdsize_btn, 'GB'];
     return $create_label_widget_grid->($labeled_widgets);;

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