[pve-devel] [PATCH storage] add API method to move a volume between storages

Filip Schauer f.schauer at proxmox.com
Tue Jun 25 16:55:12 CEST 2024

Superseded by:

Ended up moving the API method to the POST endpoint at
/nodes/{node}/storage/{storage}/content/{volume}, replacing the
experimental copy method.

On 14/06/2024 19:29, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
> some higher level review:
> subject could mention CLI too, e.g.:
> api, cli: implement moving a volume between storages
> Am 12/06/2024 um 16:45 schrieb Filip Schauer:
>> Add the ability to move a backup, ISO, container template or snippet
>> between storages of a node via an API method. Moving a VMA backup to a
>> Proxmox Backup Server requires the proxmox-vma-to-pbs package to be
>> installed. Currently only VMA backups can be moved to a Proxmox Backup
>> Server and moving backups from a Proxmox Backup Server is not yet
>> supported.
> Interesting integration of the vma-to-pbs importer! I'd proably make this
> copy by default and do the remove-source-volume-on-success only through an
> opt-in parameter, similar to how the similar, but more specialized, "move
> guest disk/volume" works.
>> The method can be called from the PVE shell with `pvesm move`:
>> # pvesm move <source volume> <target storage>
> For the command and the API endpoint path I'd prefer using 'move-volume' as
> name. That would clarify what the subject is, and not imply that one could
> move a whole storage, a feature which some users also might want as separate
> feature.
> Speaking about API paths, in theory mounting this below the
> `/nodes/{node}/storage/{storage}/content/{volume}/` path would be quite a
> bit nicer. But, currently that's not trivially possible as we already use
> the GET endpoint of that path for getting the volumes attributes.
> So here we have three choices:
> 1 decide that it's better to keep it as a separate path at the {storage}
>    top-level (or even if we don't agree on that being better, just close
>    our eyes and look away).
>    Can be OK, but as we face this pain every once in a while I'd at least
>    think about the alternatives below, even though they would extend scope
>    quite a bit.
> 2 try to use the existing structure, which might need some adaptions in
>    the router/schema stuff, as we essentially would need to learn to
>    pull the list of API subdirectories out of a nested variable inside
>    the object. As currently API directory indexes use a top-level array
>    so any API endpoint that returns an object at the top-level cannot
>    be really extended to also host API endpoints in subdirectories.
>    If we could specify in the schema that the href array is returned in
>    a sub-property we could add deeper links much more easily in the
>    future.
>    Here the most important thing would be to check potential negative
>    drawbacks of doing so, and also how much work it would be to add
>    that functionality (I did not check, gut feeling tells me that it
>    probably is not _that_ much, as it should be mostly adding a check
>    about getting the same info from another location).
> 3 using a new API path, e.g. doing s/content/volume/ where the GET
>    endpoint is a router index and the "metadata" one gets provided
>    inside that API path folder. Then we could slowly deprecate the old
>    one and be done.
> What, and if, those options make sense can be debatable. IMO checking
> out 2 could be good as we run into this "problem" every once in a while,
> and having the possibility of 2 would avoid shuffling API paths around
> just to be able to do deeper nesting.

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