[pve-devel] (no subject)

Shannon Sterz s.sterz at proxmox.com
Wed Jun 5 10:56:18 CEST 2024

On Wed May 22, 2024 at 2:05 PM CEST, Daniel Krambrock wrote:
> This series of patches let the user choose a VMID suggestion strategy
> to avoid the recycled VMID problem.

Hi Daniel!

Thanks for your contribution! First of some top-level feedback:

- Please familiarize yourself with the Developer Documentation [1], Perl
  [2], and JavaScript [3] style guides before contributing.
- Most importantly, if you haven't already, please contact
  `office at proxmox.com` about signing the Harmony CLA [4].
- All your patches provide the same git short message. Please provide
  more specific context for each patch and not just the the overall goal
  of your series.

> Default is 'next-free', the previous strategy where the suggested VMID
> is the lowest not used ID in range. This reuses VMIDs.
> Added options are:
> - 'max-1': selects the highest existing VMID and adds 1

I'm guessing you typo-ed the `max-1` here, as the other patches seem to
correctly use `max+1`. Please note that such a strategy is still prone
to re-use of IDs if one where to remove the VM with the highest ID.

> - 'list': returns the lowest free VMID within the specified
>   range that is not on a list of previously used VMIDs
> On guest deletion the VMID is added to '/etc/pve/used_vmids.list'

Not sure if tracking the used VM/CT IDs in a separate file is the most
elegant solution here. Especially as this is a somewhat niche usecase.

Anyway, I'll provide some more detailed feedback in-line.

Kind regards, Shannon

PS: Please use "reply-all" when replying to me, so the full discussion
stays on the mailing list. Thanks!

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