Re: Strange Behavior – ZFS (and other) Storage Configuration in PVE (plain text)

Rovshan Pashayev Rovshan.Pashayev at
Tue Jul 2 12:37:41 CEST 2024

Hi Fiaona and Fabian,

I am merging your questions and answering them in this one reply (I got reply from both of you at the same time :) )

> We would like to report a strange behavior that we have encountered in Proxmox, version 8.2.2. The issue is as follows:
> We noticed that ZFS storage configuration is missing mountpoint line randomly. And workaround is manually adding missing line.

Fabina G ====
what exactly do you mean by this? the entry in /etc/pve/storage.cfg?
that one should only change if you call the corresponding API endpoint
(or CLI command). please double-check the logs that no such invocation
is happening.

if you mean something else, please clearly describe how your system is
configured and what the unexpected thing that is happening is.

We have requested info about storage using the next command: # pvesh get storage/{storageName} --output json
As we understand, this command just parse /etc/pve/storage.cfg and return results.
So yes, field path and mountpoint are missed in the response of mentioned command and in the file.
But all VM’s that have disks on this storage are working normally and can be re-started.

Fiona E ====

does the option get lost for already existing storages or does it affect
newly added ones? How do you edit/add the ZFS storages, via GUI or CLI,
please share the exact commands in the latter case. Please also note
that the storage configuration 'mountpoint' is optional. If it is not
set, it will be assumed to be the default mount point, i.e. the 'pool'
configuration option prepended by '/'.

Could you please confirm that if ‘mountpoint’ is missing in configuration it implicitly means that mountpoint is “/{pool_name}”?

Best Regards,
Rovshan Pashayev, Analyst, Veeam Agent for Linux, Mac, AIX & Solaris

From: Fiona Ebner <f.ebner at>
Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2024 11:00
To: Rovshan Pashayev <Rovshan.Pashayev at>; pve-devel at <pve-devel at>
Cc: Pavel Tide <Pavel.TIde at>
Subject: Re: Strange Behavior – ZFS (and other) Storage Configuration in PVE (plain text)


Am 02.07.24 um 10:48 schrieb Rovshan Pashayev:
> Dear Proxmox Developers,
> We would like to report a strange behavior that we have encountered in Proxmox, version 8.2.2. The issue is as follows:
> We noticed that ZFS storage configuration is missing mountpoint line randomly. And workaround is manually adding missing line.

does the option get lost for already existing storages or does it affect
newly added ones? How do you edit/add the ZFS storages, via GUI or CLI,
please share the exact commands in the latter case. Please also note
that the storage configuration 'mountpoint' is optional. If it is not
set, it will be assumed to be the default mount point, i.e. the 'pool'
configuration option prepended by '/'.

> We also can see same behavior was reported in your forum:
> NFS: [SOLVED] - Proxmox 3.1 Lost Mount Point in Cluster | Proxmox Support Forum (

I don't see how this is related. There is no 'mountpoint' storage config
option for NFS storages, just a 'path'. The issue here seems to have
been wrong mount options.

> ZFS: mountpoint missing after restoring a backup | Proxmox Support Forum (

The issue here is about a missing container mount point volume after
restoring a backup (which Fabian pointed out is not restored for
unprivileged users). So again, I don't see how this is related.

> We kindly request clarification on whether this behavior is expected and if you are already aware of this issue.
> We are interested to know if there are plans to address and resolve this in future updates of Proxmox.
> If you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to ask.
> Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
> Best Regards,
> Rovshan Pashayev
> Analyst
> Veeam Agent for Linux, Mac, AIX & Solaris

Best Regards,

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