[pve-devel] [PATCH pve-manager] qemu: bump max cores to 256 by socket

Fiona Ebner f.ebner at proxmox.com
Tue Jan 16 16:20:24 CET 2024

Am 16.01.24 um 15:08 schrieb DERUMIER, Alexandre:
>>> Is the QEMU error message understandable? If yes, I don't see much
>>> value
> Well, indeed, the message is pretty clear.
> maybe just add documentation about limit for q35 && i440fx ?
> (I have a customer with a new epyc v4, asking me about this, and I had
> no idea that they was a different limit between q35 && i440fx)

Sure, we can mention that the limit depends on the machine version in
the CPU section and/or machine version section. Note it's not only type,
but version, e.g. q35-8.0 has 288 as a limit:

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