SPAM: [PATCH pve-network v3 4/4] update tests following changes to behaviour: - allocating IPs also when prefix-only - PVE IPAM register details for every allocation strategy

lou lecrivain lou.lecrivain at
Fri Dec 13 20:45:40 CET 2024

From: Lou Lecrivain <lou.lecrivain at>

Signed-off-by: lou lecrivain <lou.lecrivain at>
Tested-by: Stefan Hanreich <s.hanreich at>
Reviewed-by: Stefan Hanreich <s.hanreich at>
 src/test/        | 24 +++++++++++++++++++++---
 src/test/ |  6 ++----
 2 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/test/ b/src/test/
index d1af0b3..79186c2 100755
--- a/src/test/
+++ b/src/test/
@@ -237,7 +237,13 @@ foreach my $path (@plugins) {
 	. $ip
 	. '":{"gateway":1},"'
 	. $ipnextfree
-	. '":{},"'
+	. '":{"hostname":"'
+        . $hostname
+        . '","mac":"'
+	. $mac
+	. '","vmid":"'
+	. $vmid
+        . '"},"'
 	. $ip2
 	. '":{"hostname":"'
 	. $hostname
@@ -268,7 +274,13 @@ foreach my $path (@plugins) {
 	. $subnet_cidr
 	. '":{"ips":{"'
 	. $ipnextfree
-	. '":{},"'
+	. '":{"hostname":"'
+        . $hostname
+        . '","mac":"'
+	. $mac
+	. '","vmid":"'
+	. $vmid
+        . '"},"'
 	. $ip2
 	. '":{"hostname":"'
 	. $hostname
@@ -328,7 +340,13 @@ foreach my $path (@plugins) {
 	. $subnet_cidr
 	. '":{"ips":{"'
 	. $ipnextfree
-	. '":{},"'
+	. '":{"hostname":"'
+        . $hostname
+        . '","mac":"'
+	. $mac
+	. '","vmid":"'
+	. $vmid
+        . '"},"'
 	. $ip2
 	. '":{"hostname":"'
 	. $hostname
diff --git a/src/test/ b/src/test/
index f7caca2..b79e1dc 100755
--- a/src/test/
+++ b/src/test/
@@ -413,7 +413,6 @@ sub test_nic_join {
     die "$test_name: we're expecting an array of subnets" if !$subnets;
     my $num_subnets = scalar $subnets->@*;
     die "$test_name: we're expecting an array of subnets. $num_subnets elements found" if ($num_subnets < 1);
-    my $num_dhcp_ranges = scalar grep { $_->{'dhcp-range'} } $subnets->@*;
     my $zoneid = "TESTZONE";
     my $vnetid = "testvnet";
@@ -452,7 +451,7 @@ sub test_nic_join {
     my @ips = get_ips_from_mac($mac);
     my $num_ips = scalar @ips;
-    is ($num_ips, $num_dhcp_ranges, "$test_name: Expecting $num_dhcp_ranges IPs, found $num_ips");
+    is ($num_ips, $num_subnets, "$test_name: Expecting $num_subnets IPs, found $num_ips");
     ok ((all { ($_->{vnet} eq $vnetid && $_->{zone} eq $zoneid) } @ips),
 	"$test_name: all IPs in correct vnet and zone"
@@ -678,8 +677,7 @@ sub test_nic_start {
     die "$test_name: we're expecting an array of subnets" if !$subnets;
     my $num_subnets = scalar $subnets->@*;
     die "$test_name: we're expecting an array of subnets. $num_subnets elements found" if ($num_subnets < 1);
-    $num_expected_ips = scalar grep { $_->{'dhcp-range'} } $subnets->@* if !defined $num_expected_ips;
+    $num_expected_ips = $num_subnets if !defined $num_expected_ips;
     my $zoneid = "TESTZONE";
     my $vnetid = "testvnet";

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