[pve-devel] [PATCH manager 2/2] lxc: show IPs in summary view

Gabriel Goller g.goller at proxmox.com
Thu Dec 5 18:28:06 CET 2024

On 04.12.2024 10:25, Dominik Csapak wrote:
>high level comments/questions (i know they're not you're patches exactly, but still):
>* maybe it would be better to integrate this into the AgentIPView for vms?
>  AFAICS the code is very similar and probably just needs a few adaptions
>  to work there too (url,parsing, etc.)
>  I'm not opposed to have two components, but then we should at least have
>  a good reason in the commit message why this was not done, e.g.
>  the data structures are too different, or something like that
>* IMHO we should keep the columns consistent between VMs and Containers,
>  So either we change the AgentIPView to name/mac/ipv4/ipv6 too
>  or we combine the ipv4/ipv6 here

Hmm I had a quick glance at the AgentIPView and while there is a lot of
the same code, I fear that I will have to do a lot of "if container do
this, otherwise do that".

Although we could make one generic panel for both, removing all the
mentions of "Agent" in the name/title though.

Let me know what you prefer!

>>+    startIPStore: function(store, records, success) {
>>+	var me = this;
>>+	let state = store.getById('status');
>>+	me.running = state && state.data.value === 'running';
>>+	var caps = Ext.state.Manager.get('GuiCap');
>>+	if (!caps.vms['VM.Monitor']) {
>the api call for getting the interfaces does not really need this permission?
>the api only needs 'vm.audit' for this information, so this check should reflect that


>>+	    var errorText = gettext("Requires '{0}' Privileges");
>>+	    me.updateStatus(false, Ext.String.format(errorText, 'VM.Monitor'));
>>+	    return;
>>+	}

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