[pve-devel] [PATCH proxmx-nvidia-vgpu-helper 2/2] add script to help with the installation of the nvidia vgpu dependencies

Hannes Dürr h.duerr at proxmox.com
Mon Dec 2 10:45:13 CET 2024

On 12/2/24 09:47, Dominik Csapak wrote:
> high level comments first:
> * the script is actually not installed with the package, because it's not
> installed anywhere and not in any .install file
> (you'd either have to use an 'install' target in the makefile to 
> install it to some folder
> or use a .install file in the debian folder for the package to specify
> which files should be installed
> (see most of our other packages how they do it exactly)
good point, forgot that

> * i'd like to go a bit further than this script.
> What I'd have imagined is more like our 'pveceph' tool that can
> include multiple commands, even if we might only have one or two for now
> so e.g.
> pve-nvidia-vgpu-helper install-prerequisites
> pve-nvidia-vgpu-helper gpus list
> pve-nvidia-vgpu-helper gpus enable-sriov
> etc..
> some of these (e.g. the sriov enablement) could even be interactive, 
> but something
> like that could be done in the future.
> thir
Unfortunately, I didn't understand it that way, but of course it makes 
more sense to write a small tool if it is to take on more tasks in the 
> * not sure about that, but couldn't this be a rust binary?
> i think we have everything we need already there.
> It is not a requirement for this IMHO, but personally i tend to write 
> new things
> in rust these days.
and yes, if it should contain even more functionality in the future, I 
would rather implement it in Rust.

> * it would be very nice to also have some general prerequisites 
> checked, maybe
> as a separate command or all-in-one (does not matter much imo). For 
> example
> if iommu/vt-d/etc. is turned on and the cards are separated, if there 
> are even
> nvidia cards installed, etc.
agree, would make sense to include this as well.
> one comment inline
> On 11/20/24 12:26, Hannes Duerr wrote:
>> The script should help with the dependency installation for the nvidia
>> vgpu driver, also if the driver is already installed but the system has
>> been updated
>> Signed-off-by: Hannes Duerr <h.duerr at proxmox.com>
>> ---
>>   pve-install-nvidia-vgpu-deps | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>   1 file changed, 66 insertions(+)
>>   create mode 100755 pve-install-nvidia-vgpu-deps
>> diff --git a/pve-install-nvidia-vgpu-deps b/pve-install-nvidia-vgpu-deps
>> new file mode 100755
>> index 0000000..fc0856e
>> --- /dev/null
>> +++ b/pve-install-nvidia-vgpu-deps
>> @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
>> +#!/usr/bin/perl
>> +
>> +use strict;
>> +use warnings;
>> +
>> +use PVE::Tools qw(run_command);
>> +use AptPkg::Cache;
>> +
>> +my @apt_install = qw(apt-get --no-install-recommends -o 
>> Dpkg:Options::=--force-confnew install --);
> imho i find that line a bit dangerous, because it'll overwrite user 
> configs with new default configs
> Our approach to installs is that they can be interactive, so adding 
> '--force-confnew' is not a good idea
good point, that's probably a bit exaggerated

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