qcow2 internal snapshot: 4k write speed reduce to 100~200 iops on ssd ?

DERUMIER, Alexandre alexandre.derumier at groupe-cyllene.com
Fri Aug 30 18:01:44 CEST 2024


I was doing tests with gfs2 && ocfs2,

and I have notice 4k randwrite iops going from 20000 iops to
100~200iops when a snapshot is present.

I thinked it was related to gfs2 && ocfs2 allocation, 
but I can reproduce too with a simple qcow2 file on
a local ssd drive.

is it expected ?

(I don't have use qcow2 snapshot since 10year, so I really don't 
 remember performance).

Using external snapshot file, I'm around 10000iops.

test inside the vm:

fio --filename=/dev/sdX --ioengine=libaio --direct 1 --bs=4k  --
rw=randwrite --numjobs=64

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