[pve-devel] [PATCH manager v2 1/2] ceph: mark global pg bits setting as deprecated

Maximiliano Sandoval m.sandoval at proxmox.com
Fri Sep 22 11:25:25 CEST 2023

This setting was removed in [1] as part of the v13.0.2 tag. Running

    ceph config set global osd_pg_bits 42

results in

    Error EINVAL: unrecognized config option 'osd_pg_bits'

So we mark this api as deprecated and make it a no-op operation.

[1] https://github.com/ceph/ceph/commit/e6acf2d1d528a2395947d446a57bec04a3a002dc

Signed-off-by: Maximiliano Sandoval <m.sandoval at proxmox.com>

Since this an API call, its hard for clients to get a warning thats logged on
the server and I opted for just marking the API as deprecated in its

Differences from v1:
  - Instead of removing the api, mark it as deprecated

 PVE/API2/Ceph.pm | 10 +++-------
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PVE/API2/Ceph.pm b/PVE/API2/Ceph.pm
index 7e0763cf..fab4637c 100644
--- a/PVE/API2/Ceph.pm
+++ b/PVE/API2/Ceph.pm
@@ -158,10 +158,11 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
 		minimum => 1,
 		maximum => 7,
+	    # TODO: deprecrated, remove with PVE 9
 	    pg_bits => {
 		description => "Placement group bits, used to specify the " .
-		    "default number of placement groups.\n\nNOTE: 'osd pool " .
-		    "default pg num' does not work for default pools.",
+		    "default number of placement groups.\n\nDepreacted. This " .
+		    "setting was deprecated in recent Ceph versions.",
 		type => 'integer',
 		default => 6,
 		optional => 1,
@@ -224,11 +225,6 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
 		$cfg->{client}->{keyring} = '/etc/pve/priv/$cluster.$name.keyring';
-	    if ($param->{pg_bits}) {
-		$cfg->{global}->{'osd pg bits'} = $param->{pg_bits};
-		$cfg->{global}->{'osd pgp bits'} = $param->{pg_bits};
-	    }
 	    if ($param->{network}) {
 		$cfg->{global}->{'public network'} = $param->{network};
 		$cfg->{global}->{'cluster network'} = $param->{network};

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