[pve-devel] applied-series: [PATCH common/cluster 0/3] fix #4937: fix utf8 encoding issues while saving notification config

Fiona Ebner f.ebner at proxmox.com
Mon Sep 11 14:50:20 CEST 2023

Am 30.08.23 um 14:37 schrieb Lukas Wagner:
> These patches should fix issues with certain special characters
> (e.g ü) in the notification configuration [1].
> Before, when setting a comment for an endpoint to certain values 
> (e.g. 'für admins'), the resulting saved configuration would 
> contain invalid UTF8 text.
> The reason for that was the configuration was returned from
> Rust as a proper utf8 string, however it was saved to the file 
> system without specifying an encoding.
> [1] https://bugzilla.proxmox.com/show_bug.cgi?id=4937

applied-series, after discussing with Fabian, thanks!

We decided to make it a $force_utf8 flag instead of passing the encoding
as a string, and use the strict 'UTF-8' encoding rather than 'utf8'. See
the "UTF-8 vs. utf8 vs. UTF8" section in 'perldoc Encode' for more info.
I also moved the binmode() call to after the loop, where $fh is known to
be set.

We also found that file_get_contents() doesn't set Perl's UTF-8 flag for
strings even if the input is UTF-8, because it uses sysread(). It's fine
for the notification configs apparently, but going forward, we'll need
to be careful. One idea was an opt-in parameter for detecting UTF-8 and
setting the Perl string flag and using that for (most) cluster
filesystem files.

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