[pve-devel] [PATCH installer 1/1] fix #4869: Show state in management interface ComboBox

Thomas Lamprecht t.lamprecht at proxmox.com
Wed Oct 11 12:58:05 CEST 2023

Am 11/10/2023 um 11:54 schrieb Filip Schauer:
> The green circle is not displayed correctly by the PVE installer as it
> does not have the corresponding emoji font package. However, the
> suggested circles for DOWN are rendered correctly.

The options I see (on top of that):

- we could just install a font package that ships it, e.g., the
  fonts-noto-color-emoji one, I mean 10.8 MB isn't negligible, but
  neither _that_ big..

- Use ◯ for down and ⬤ for up, and color them via CSS, or
  whatever is the easiest here for GTK combobox entries.

> Alternatively we could use an arrow pointing either ⬆ (UP) or ⬇ (DOWN).
> https://unicode-explorer.com/c/2B06
> https://unicode-explorer.com/c/2B07
> These arrows are also displayed correctly by the PVE installer.

I cannot 100% pin it down, but I do not really like arrows for
conveying that information even though the map to up/down directly,
but arrows are normally used for rather different things in UI
context (e.g., sorting, or resize handles), so IMO to overloaded

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