[pve-devel] [TurnKey Linux] Looking to update our signing key... Advice?

Thomas Lamprecht t.lamprecht at proxmox.com
Wed Nov 22 09:19:35 CET 2023


Am 22/11/2023 um 05:50 schrieb Jeremy Davis:
> Apologies in advance if this is not the right place to post this. Please 
> redirect me to the appropriate forum if not. I'm also happy to discuss 
> off list if that is deemed more appropriate.

It's fine here, thanks for reaching out.

> My name is Jeremy and I work with TurnKey Linux.
> As a housekeeping matter, we're looking to update our GPG signing key - 
> that we sign the index file we provide for downloading our LXC templates 
> via the PVE UI (which includes hashes of our templates).

That would be indeed great, we switched to generating a new key for
every new major release quite a bit ago.

> The current key recently expired (caught us a bit unawares). We updated 
> the expiry to keep it alive. And it doesn't seem to have caused any 
> issues (at least not in my local PVE servers).
> However, the key is quite old and doesn't have current best practice 
> size (RSA-4098 AFAIK?). So I'd like to rotate it.

Yes, our release keys use RSA 4096 (not 6 not 8 at the end):

# sq inspect proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg   
proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg: OpenPGP Certificate.

    Fingerprint: F4E136C67CDCE41AE6DE6FC81140AF8F639E0C39
Public-key algo: RSA
Public-key size: 4096 bits
  Creation time: 2022-11-27 13:26:52 UTC
Expiration time: 2032-11-24 13:26:52 UTC (creation time + P3650D)
      Key flags: certification, signing

         UserID: Proxmox Bookworm Release Key <proxmox-release at proxmox.com>

> I was hoping that someone with some authoritative knowledge of the 
> relevant PVE components would be willing to give me some guidance on the 
> process (not generating the key itself, just the PVE integration 
> specific bits). Hopefully that can ensure that key rotation causes 
> minimal disruptions to users.

Currently the public keys we use are tracked in the pve-manager repo,
inside the aplinfo directory:


The build-system then concatenates all the trusted keys, i.e., our ans
your current (old) one to a joined keyring that we use on checking the
appliance index.

So, you would just need to send us your new public key in a secure
manner and we'd add that key to the keyring.  Secure manner here would
be to have it available on a TLS secured domain of your via HTTP and
send it to us via email with a signature from the old (current) key.

The one question is how you plan the upgrade, i.e., it might be nice to
not have a hard switch between index signed with old to index signed
with new key.

For example, since doing a new GPG key per-release we also use a index
that can be associated with the release, e.g. see:


For example, the plain & compressed indexes, and the signature of the
plain one, used for the Proxmox VE 8 series are:


It could be also good for TurnKey to provide the new templates under a
new index so that older installation can still use them.
Even if you want to consciously break support for systems using the old
key, it might be more pleasant to do a phased switch  even then.
Especially as one could test the new index URL and signature without
impacting production systems, you could still drop the signature with
the ancient key in a few weeks or so.

Any how, I'm asking the latter because that might need some extra
adaption in our code, but not much, and if you give us the new URL to
the new index we could integrate that too. But if you want to sent
patches, then we'd also be happy about that, most of the code is also in
pve-manager, in the PVE::APLInfo module (PVE/APLInfo.pm file).

For how to contribute patches to our project see:

> Also if there are any specific PVE recommendations/requirements re the 
> new GPG keypair to generate, that would also be great.

Nothing technical,  RSA 4096-bit key with a identity (mail email) that
matches your org would be the baseline. Having a expiry of about 10y
could be nice too, but not to hard-feelings there.


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