[pve-devel] [PATCH v2 manager] ui: backup: replication: replace non-clickable checkbox with icons

Lukas Wagner l.wagner at proxmox.com
Tue Jan 24 16:37:23 CET 2023

On 1/24/23 16:28, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
> you break setting dataIndex by writing it all lowercase ?!
>> +		    align: 'center',
>> +		    renderer: function(enabled, cell, record) {
>> +			return Proxmox.Utils.render_enabled_icon(record.data.enabled);
>> +		    },
> with data index fixed, this could be:
> renderer: Proxmox.Utils.renderEnabledIcon,
> Or if you really want to avoid passing the remaining params to the renderer:
> renderer: enabled => Proxmox.Utils.renderEnabledIcon(enabled),
> but normally that's really not a problem for renders.

Ooooh, and I kept wondering why `renderer` did not behave as in other places.
Missspelled `dataIndex` must have snuck in as a copy-paste error, thanks for pointing this out.

- Lukas

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