[pve-devel] Empty list as response of an API-endpoint

Sven Scholle sven at shelldog.de
Wed Jan 4 16:10:00 CET 2023


I have a problem regarding the API rights management.

The following request returns an empty array when issued using a token 
with the role PVEAuditor:

storage, vmid)

When I disable privilege seperation or use the role Administrator, I 
will receive the content in the storage mathing the filters above.
Those permissions do not seem to be sufficient: "Sys.Audit Sys.Syslog 
Pool.Audit VM.Audit Datastore.Audit"

Using the permissions above, I'd expect to be granted to use the 
API-call above. I also tried "VM.Backup", but that didn't do the trick.

Did I forget a permission or is there a bug?

Used Proxmox-VE-Version: 7.2-1


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