[pve-devel] [PATCH v2 docs] pvesm: mark ZFS level as both

Aaron Lauterer a.lauterer at proxmox.com
Tue Apr 11 13:04:42 CEST 2023

ZFS can do both, and we do use both, block and file level functionality.

Signed-off-by: Aaron Lauterer <a.lauterer at proxmox.com>
changes since v1: rephrased the footnote for ZFS

 pvesm.adoc | 39 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pvesm.adoc b/pvesm.adoc
index 6ade1a4..651999a 100644
--- a/pvesm.adoc
+++ b/pvesm.adoc
@@ -67,27 +67,30 @@ data to different nodes.
 .Available storage types
-|Description    |PVE type    |Level |Shared|Snapshots|Stable
-|ZFS (local)    |zfspool     |file  |no    |yes      |yes
-|Directory      |dir         |file  |no    |no^1^    |yes
-|BTRFS          |btrfs       |file  |no    |yes      |technology preview
-|NFS            |nfs         |file  |yes   |no^1^    |yes
-|CIFS           |cifs        |file  |yes   |no^1^    |yes
-|Proxmox Backup |pbs         |both  |yes   |n/a      |yes
-|GlusterFS      |glusterfs   |file  |yes   |no^1^    |yes
-|CephFS         |cephfs      |file  |yes   |yes      |yes
-|LVM            |lvm         |block |no^2^ |no       |yes
-|LVM-thin       |lvmthin     |block |no    |yes      |yes
-|iSCSI/kernel   |iscsi       |block |yes   |no       |yes
-|iSCSI/libiscsi |iscsidirect |block |yes   |no       |yes
-|Ceph/RBD       |rbd         |block |yes   |yes      |yes
-|ZFS over iSCSI |zfs         |block |yes   |yes      |yes
+|Description    |PVE type    |Level  |Shared|Snapshots|Stable
+|ZFS (local)    |zfspool     |both^1^|no    |yes      |yes
+|Directory      |dir         |file   |no    |no^2^    |yes
+|BTRFS          |btrfs       |file   |no    |yes      |technology preview
+|NFS            |nfs         |file   |yes   |no^2^    |yes
+|CIFS           |cifs        |file   |yes   |no^2^    |yes
+|Proxmox Backup |pbs         |both   |yes   |n/a      |yes
+|GlusterFS      |glusterfs   |file   |yes   |no^2^    |yes
+|CephFS         |cephfs      |file   |yes   |yes      |yes
+|LVM            |lvm         |block  |no^3^ |no       |yes
+|LVM-thin       |lvmthin     |block  |no    |yes      |yes
+|iSCSI/kernel   |iscsi       |block  |yes   |no       |yes
+|iSCSI/libiscsi |iscsidirect |block  |yes   |no       |yes
+|Ceph/RBD       |rbd         |block  |yes   |yes      |yes
+|ZFS over iSCSI |zfs         |block  |yes   |yes      |yes
-^1^: On file based storages, snapshots are possible with the 'qcow2' format.
+^1^: Disk images for VMs are stored in ZFS volume (zvol) datasets, which provide
+block device functionality.
-^2^: It is possible to use LVM on top of an iSCSI or FC-based storage.
-That way you get a `shared` LVM storage.
+^2^: On file based storages, snapshots are possible with the 'qcow2' format.
+^3^: It is possible to use LVM on top of an iSCSI or FC-based storage.
+That way you get a `shared` LVM storage
 Thin Provisioning

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