[pve-devel] [PATCH qemu-server v2 3/3] Import OVF: Lock config with "lock" property

Dominic Jäger d.jaeger at proxmox.com
Mon Oct 28 12:47:34 CET 2019

Previously a VMID conflict was possible when creating a VM on another node
between locking the config with lock_config_full and writing to it for the
first time with write_config.

Using create_and_lock_config eliminates this possibility. This means that now
the "lock" property is set in the config instead of using flock only.

$param was empty when it was assigned the three values "name", "memory" and
"cores" before being assigned to $conf later on. Assigning those values
directly to $conf avoids confusion about what the two variables contain.

Signed-off-by: Dominic Jäger <d.jaeger at proxmox.com>
- Add note about $param in commit message
- Improve commit message, especially replacing "parameter lock" with "lock
- Remove unnecessary semicolon in one-liner
- Adapted error message
- Use return early pattern

 PVE/CLI/qm.pm | 66 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PVE/CLI/qm.pm b/PVE/CLI/qm.pm
index 3bf5f97..a441ac1 100755
--- a/PVE/CLI/qm.pm
+++ b/PVE/CLI/qm.pm
@@ -621,47 +621,45 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
-	$param->{name} = $parsed->{qm}->{name} if defined($parsed->{qm}->{name});
-	$param->{memory} = $parsed->{qm}->{memory} if defined($parsed->{qm}->{memory});
-	$param->{cores} = $parsed->{qm}->{cores} if defined($parsed->{qm}->{cores});
+	eval { PVE::QemuConfig->create_and_lock_config($vmid, 0) };
+	die "Reserving empty config for OVF import failed: $@" if $@;
-	my $importfn = sub {
+	my $conf = PVE::QemuConfig->load_config($vmid);
+	die "Internal error: Expected 'create' lock in config of VM $vmid!"
+	    if !PVE::QemuConfig->has_lock($conf, "create");
-	    PVE::Cluster::check_vmid_unused($vmid);
+	$conf->{name} = $parsed->{qm}->{name} if defined($parsed->{qm}->{name});
+	$conf->{memory} = $parsed->{qm}->{memory} if defined($parsed->{qm}->{memory});
+	$conf->{cores} = $parsed->{qm}->{cores} if defined($parsed->{qm}->{cores});
-	    my $conf = $param;
-	    eval {
-		# order matters, as do_import() will load_config() internally
-		$conf->{vmgenid} = PVE::QemuServer::generate_uuid();
-		$conf->{smbios1} = PVE::QemuServer::generate_smbios1_uuid();
-		PVE::QemuConfig->write_config($vmid, $conf);
-		foreach my $disk (@{ $parsed->{disks} }) {
-		    my ($file, $drive) = ($disk->{backing_file}, $disk->{disk_address});
-		    PVE::QemuServer::ImportDisk::do_import($file, $vmid, $storeid,
-			0, { drive_name => $drive, format => $format });
-		}
-		# reload after disks entries have been created
-		$conf = PVE::QemuConfig->load_config($vmid);
-		my $firstdisk = PVE::QemuServer::resolve_first_disk($conf);
-		$conf->{bootdisk} = $firstdisk if $firstdisk;
-		PVE::QemuConfig->write_config($vmid, $conf);
-	    };
+	eval {
+	    # order matters, as do_import() will load_config() internally
+	    $conf->{vmgenid} = PVE::QemuServer::generate_uuid();
+	    $conf->{smbios1} = PVE::QemuServer::generate_smbios1_uuid();
+	    PVE::QemuConfig->write_config($vmid, $conf);
-	    my $err = $@;
-	    if ($err) {
-		my $skiplock = 1;
-		# eval for additional safety in error path
-		eval { PVE::QemuServer::destroy_vm($storecfg, $vmid, undef, $skiplock) };
-		warn "Could not destroy VM $vmid: $@" if "$@";
-		die "import failed - $err";
+	    foreach my $disk (@{ $parsed->{disks} }) {
+		my ($file, $drive) = ($disk->{backing_file}, $disk->{disk_address});
+		PVE::QemuServer::ImportDisk::do_import($file, $vmid, $storeid,
+		    1, { drive_name => $drive, format => $format });
+	    # reload after disks entries have been created
+	    $conf = PVE::QemuConfig->load_config($vmid);
+	    my $firstdisk = PVE::QemuServer::resolve_first_disk($conf);
+	    $conf->{bootdisk} = $firstdisk if $firstdisk;
+	    PVE::QemuConfig->write_config($vmid, $conf);
-	my $wait_for_lock = 1;
-	PVE::QemuConfig->lock_config_full($vmid, $wait_for_lock, $importfn);
+	my $err = $@;
+	if ($err) {
+	    my $skiplock = 1;
+	    # eval for additional safety in error path
+	    eval { PVE::QemuServer::destroy_vm($storecfg, $vmid, undef, $skiplock) };
+	    warn "Could not destroy VM $vmid: $@" if "$@";
+	    die "import failed - $err";
+	}
+	PVE::QemuConfig->remove_lock ($vmid, "create");
 	return undef;

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