[pve-devel] [PATCH v4 0/3] Fix #2041, #2272 GUI for Spice Enhancements

Aaron Lauterer a.lauterer at proxmox.com
Mon Oct 7 15:23:49 CEST 2019

With the server side patches applied[0] the GUI part for this was

This patch series adds the two current SPICE enhancements (folder
sharing, video streaming) to the Options panel of a VM along with the
needed documentation. Adding them to the VM creation wizard has been
postponed for now.

v3 -> v4:
* added introduction and hint to documentation
* improved condition when to show the hint in the dialog to work for
  `qxl2` and likewise settings. (SPICE with multiple monitors)
* simplified handling of empty `vga` values thanks to [1].
* removed translation for feature names

v2 -> v3:
* no changes to the VM creation wizard
* added documentation and links to it
* removed initComponent and placed items directly in the class
* added hint if spice is not set as display

v1 -> v2:
* code cleanup / improvement
* rearranged the System panel in the VM creation wizard for a cleaner
  and easier to understand UI

[0]: https://pve.proxmox.com/pipermail/pve-devel/2019-September/038799.html
[1]: https://git.proxmox.com/?p=pve-manager.git;a=commit;h=a017d8aaa1c7338745b0be55bc1d8d386cdc2b74

docs: Aaron Lauterer (1):
 qm.adoc | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 63 insertions(+)

manager: Aaron Lauterer (2):
  ui: add spice enhancements form component
  ui: vm-options: add spice enhancements

 www/manager6/Makefile                         |  1 +
 www/manager6/Utils.js                         | 18 ++++++
 www/manager6/form/SpiceEnhancementSelector.js | 60 +++++++++++++++++++
 www/manager6/qemu/Options.js                  | 14 +++++
 4 files changed, 93 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 www/manager6/form/SpiceEnhancementSelector.js


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