[pve-devel] [PATCH v4 docs 1/3] add spice enhancements documentation

Aaron Lauterer a.lauterer at proxmox.com
Mon Oct 7 15:23:50 CEST 2019

Signed-off-by: Aaron Lauterer <a.lauterer at proxmox.com>

 qm.adoc | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 63 insertions(+)

diff --git a/qm.adoc b/qm.adoc
index 0a1dfa6..6eada34 100644
--- a/qm.adoc
+++ b/qm.adoc
@@ -819,6 +819,69 @@ start after those where the parameter is set. Further, this parameter can only
 be enforced between virtual machines running on the same host, not
+SPICE Enhancements
+SPICE Enhancements are optional features that can improve the remote viewer
+To enable them via the GUI go to the *Options* panel of the virtual machine. Run
+the following command to enable them via the CLI:
+qm set <vmid> -spice_enhancements foldersharing=1,videostreaming=all
+NOTE: To use these features the <<qm_display,*Display*>> of the virtual machine
+must be set to SPICE (qxl).
+Folder Sharing
+Share a local folder with the guest. The `spice-webdavd` daemon needs to be
+installed in the guest. It makes the shared folder available through a local
+WebDAV server located at http://localhost:9843.
+For Windows guests the installer for the 'Spice WebDAV daemon' can be downloaded
+from the
+https://www.spice-space.org/download.html#windows-binaries[official SPICE website].
+Most Linux distributions have a package called `spice-webdavd` that can be
+To share a folder in Virt-Viewer (Remote Viewer) go to 'File -> Preferences'.
+Select the folder to share and then enable the checkbox.
+NOTE: Folder sharing currently only works in the Linux version of Virt-Viewer.
+Video Streaming
+Fast refreshing areas are encoded into a video stream. Two options exist:
+* *all*: Any fast refreshing area will be encoded into a video stream.
+* *filter*: Additional filters are used to decide if video streaming should be
+  used (currently only small window surfaces are skipped).
+A general recommendation if video streaming should be enabled and which option
+to choose from cannot be given. Your mileage may vary depending on the specific
+Shared folder does not show up
+Make sure the WebDAV service is enabled and running in the guest. On Windows it
+is called 'Spice webdav proxy'. In Linux the name is 'spice-webdavd' but can be
+different depending on the distribution.
+If the service is running, check the WebDAV server by opening
+http://localhost:9843 in a browser in the guest.
+It can help to restart the SPICE session.

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