[pve-devel] [PATCH pve-manager] remove PVE::API2::Network

Alexandre Derumier aderumier at odiso.com
Fri Jun 7 11:58:59 CEST 2019

Signed-off-by: Alexandre Derumier <aderumier at odiso.com>
 PVE/API2/Makefile   |   1 -
 PVE/API2/Network.pm | 715 --------------------------------------------
 debian/control      |   2 +
 3 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 716 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 PVE/API2/Network.pm

diff --git a/PVE/API2/Makefile b/PVE/API2/Makefile
index c5868d7f..26cab9fc 100644
--- a/PVE/API2/Makefile
+++ b/PVE/API2/Makefile
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ PERLSOURCE = 			\
 	Nodes.pm		\
 	Pool.pm			\
 	Tasks.pm		\
-	Network.pm		\
 	Certificates.pm		\
 	ACME.pm			\
 	ACMEAccount.pm		\
diff --git a/PVE/API2/Network.pm b/PVE/API2/Network.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 7919756c..00000000
--- a/PVE/API2/Network.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,715 +0,0 @@
-package PVE::API2::Network;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Net::IP qw(:PROC);
-use PVE::Tools qw(extract_param dir_glob_regex);
-use PVE::SafeSyslog;
-use PVE::INotify;
-use PVE::Exception qw(raise_param_exc);
-use PVE::RESTHandler;
-use PVE::RPCEnvironment;
-use PVE::JSONSchema qw(get_standard_option);
-use PVE::AccessControl;
-use IO::File;
-use base qw(PVE::RESTHandler);
-my $iflockfn = "/etc/network/.pve-interfaces.lock";
-my $bond_mode_enum = [
-    'balance-rr',
-    'active-backup', # OVS and Linux
-    'balance-xor',
-    'broadcast',
-    '802.3ad',
-    'balance-tlb',
-    'balance-alb',
-    'balance-slb', # OVS 
-    'lacp-balance-slb', # OVS
-    'lacp-balance-tcp', # OVS
-    ];
-my $network_type_enum = ['bridge', 'bond', 'eth', 'alias', 'vlan',
-			 'OVSBridge', 'OVSBond', 'OVSPort', 'OVSIntPort'];
-my $confdesc = {
-    type => {
-	description => "Network interface type",
-	type => 'string',
-	enum => [@$network_type_enum, 'unknown'],
-    },
-    comments => {
-	description => "Comments",
-	type => 'string',
-	optional => 1,
-    },
-    comments6 => {
-	description => "Comments",
-	type => 'string',
-	optional => 1,
-    },
-    autostart => {
-	description => "Automatically start interface on boot.",
-	type => 'boolean',
-	optional => 1,
-    },
-    bridge_vlan_aware => {
-	description => "Enable bridge vlan support.",
-	type => 'boolean',
-	optional => 1,
-    },
-    bridge_ports => {
-	description => "Specify the iterfaces you want to add to your bridge.",
-	optional => 1,
-	type => 'string', format => 'pve-iface-list',
-    },
-    ovs_ports => {
-	description => "Specify the iterfaces you want to add to your bridge.",
-	optional => 1,
-	type => 'string', format => 'pve-iface-list',
-    },
-    ovs_tag => {
-	description => "Specify a VLan tag (used by OVSPort, OVSIntPort, OVSBond)",
-	optional => 1,
-	type => 'integer',
-	minimum => 1,
-	maximum => 4094,
-    },
-    ovs_options => {
-	description => "OVS interface options.",
-	optional => 1,
-	type => 'string',
-	maxLength => 1024,
-    },
-    ovs_bridge => {
-	description => "The OVS bridge associated with a OVS port. This is required when you create an OVS port.",
-	optional => 1,
-	type => 'string', format => 'pve-iface',
-    },
-    slaves => {
-	description => "Specify the interfaces used by the bonding device.",
-	optional => 1,
-	type => 'string', format => 'pve-iface-list',
-    },
-    ovs_bonds => {
-	description => "Specify the interfaces used by the bonding device.",
-	optional => 1,
-	type => 'string', format => 'pve-iface-list',
-    },
-    bond_mode => {
-	description => "Bonding mode.",
-	optional => 1,
-	type => 'string', enum => $bond_mode_enum,
-    },
-    bond_xmit_hash_policy => {
-	description => "Selects the transmit hash policy to use for slave selection in balance-xor and 802.3ad modes.",
-	optional => 1,
-	type => 'string', 
-	enum => ['layer2', 'layer2+3', 'layer3+4' ],
-    },
-    gateway => {
-	description => 'Default gateway address.',
-	type => 'string', format => 'ipv4',
-	optional => 1,
-    },
-    netmask => {
-	description => 'Network mask.',
-	type => 'string', format => 'ipv4mask',
-	optional => 1,
-	requires => 'address',
-    },
-    address => {
-	description => 'IP address.',
-	type => 'string', format => 'ipv4',
-	optional => 1,
-	requires => 'netmask',
-    },
-    cidr => {
-	description => 'IPv4 CIDR.',
-	type => 'string', format => 'CIDRv4',
-	optional => 1,
-    },
-    gateway6 => {
-	description => 'Default ipv6 gateway address.',
-	type => 'string', format => 'ipv6',
-	optional => 1,
-    },
-    netmask6 => {
-	description => 'Network mask.',
-	type => 'integer', minimum => 0, maximum => 128,
-	optional => 1,
-	requires => 'address6',
-    },
-    address6 => {
-	description => 'IP address.',
-	type => 'string', format => 'ipv6',
-	optional => 1,
-	requires => 'netmask6',
-    },
-    cidr6 => {
-	description => 'IPv6 CIDR.',
-	type => 'string', format => 'CIDRv6',
-	optional => 1,
-    },
-sub json_config_properties {
-    my $prop = shift;
-    foreach my $opt (keys %$confdesc) {
-	$prop->{$opt} = $confdesc->{$opt};
-    }
-    return $prop;
-    name => 'index', 
-    path => '', 
-    method => 'GET',
-    permissions => { user => 'all' },
-    description => "List available networks",
-    proxyto => 'node',
-    parameters => {
-    	additionalProperties => 0,
-	properties => {
-	    node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
-	    type => {
-		description => "Only list specific interface types.",
-		type => 'string',
-		enum => [ @$network_type_enum, 'any_bridge' ],
-		optional => 1,
-	    },
-	},
-    },
-    returns => {
-	type => "array",
-	items => {
-	    type => "object",
-	    properties => {},
-	},
-	links => [ { rel => 'child', href => "{iface}" } ],
-    },
-    code => sub {
-	my ($param) = @_;
-	my $rpcenv = PVE::RPCEnvironment::get();
-	my $tmp = PVE::INotify::read_file('interfaces', 1);
-	my $config = $tmp->{data};
-	my $changes = $tmp->{changes};
-	$rpcenv->set_result_attrib('changes', $changes) if $changes;
-	my $ifaces = $config->{ifaces};
-	delete $ifaces->{lo}; # do not list the loopback device
-	if ($param->{type}) {
-	    foreach my $k (keys %$ifaces) {
-		my $type = $ifaces->{$k}->{type};
-		my $match =  ($param->{type} eq $type) || (
-		    ($param->{type} eq 'any_bridge') && 
-		    ($type eq 'bridge' || $type eq 'OVSBridge'));
-		delete $ifaces->{$k} if !$match;
-	    }
-	}
-	return PVE::RESTHandler::hash_to_array($ifaces, 'iface');
-   }});
-    name => 'revert_network_changes', 
-    path => '', 
-    method => 'DELETE',
-    permissions => {
-	check => ['perm', '/nodes/{node}', [ 'Sys.Modify' ]],
-    },
-    protected => 1,
-    description => "Revert network configuration changes.",
-    proxyto => 'node',
-    parameters => {
-    	additionalProperties => 0,
-	properties => {
-	    node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
-	},
-    },
-    returns => { type => "null" },
-    code => sub {
-	my ($param) = @_;
-	unlink "/etc/network/interfaces.new";
-	return undef;
-    }});
-my $check_duplicate = sub {
-    my ($config, $newiface, $key, $name) = @_;
-    foreach my $iface (keys %$config) {
-	raise_param_exc({ $key => "$name already exists on interface '$iface'." })
-	    if ($newiface ne $iface) && $config->{$iface}->{$key};
-    }
-my $check_duplicate_gateway = sub {
-    my ($config, $newiface) = @_;
-    return &$check_duplicate($config, $newiface, 'gateway', 'Default gateway');
-my $check_duplicate_gateway6 = sub {
-    my ($config, $newiface) = @_;
-    return &$check_duplicate($config, $newiface, 'gateway6', 'Default ipv6 gateway');
-sub ipv6_tobin {
-    return Net::IP::ip_iptobin(Net::IP::ip_expand_address(shift, 6), 6);
-my $check_ipv6_settings = sub {
-    my ($address, $netmask) = @_;
-    raise_param_exc({ netmask => "$netmask is not a valid subnet length for ipv6" })
-	if $netmask < 0 || $netmask > 128;
-    raise_param_exc({ address => "$address is not a valid host ip address." })
-	if !Net::IP::ip_is_ipv6($address);
-    my $binip = ipv6_tobin($address);
-    my $binmask = Net::IP::ip_get_mask($netmask, 6);
-    my $type = Net::IP::ip_iptypev6($binip);
-    raise_param_exc({ address => "$address is not a valid host ip address." })
-	if ($binip eq $binmask) ||
-	   (defined($type) && $type !~ /^(?:(?:GLOBAL|(?:UNIQUE|LINK)-LOCAL)-UNICAST)$/);
-my $map_cidr_to_address_netmask = sub {
-    my ($param) = @_;
-    if ($param->{cidr}) {
-	raise_param_exc({ address => "address conflicts with cidr" })
-	    if $param->{address};
-	raise_param_exc({ netmask => "netmask conflicts with cidr" })
-	    if $param->{netmask};
-	my ($address, $netmask) = $param->{cidr} =~ m!^(.*)/(\d+)$!;
-	$param->{address} = $address;
-	$param->{netmask} = $netmask;
-	delete $param->{cidr};
-    }
-    if ($param->{cidr6}) {
-	raise_param_exc({ address6 => "address6 conflicts with cidr6" })
-	    if $param->{address6};
-	raise_param_exc({ netmask6 => "netmask6 conflicts with cidr6" })
-	    if $param->{netmask6};
-	my ($address, $netmask) = $param->{cidr6} =~ m!^(.*)/(\d+)$!;
-	$param->{address6} = $address;
-	$param->{netmask6} = $netmask;
-	delete $param->{cidr6};
-    }
-    name => 'create_network', 
-    path => '', 
-    method => 'POST',
-    permissions => {
-	check => ['perm', '/nodes/{node}', [ 'Sys.Modify' ]],
-    },
-    description => "Create network device configuration",
-    protected => 1,
-    proxyto => 'node',
-    parameters => {
-    	additionalProperties => 0,
-	properties => json_config_properties({
-	    node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
-	    iface => get_standard_option('pve-iface')}),
-    },
-    returns => { type => 'null' },
-    code => sub {
-	my ($param) = @_;
-	my $node = extract_param($param, 'node');
-	my $iface = extract_param($param, 'iface');
-	my $code = sub {
-	    my $config = PVE::INotify::read_file('interfaces');
-	    my $ifaces = $config->{ifaces};
-	    raise_param_exc({ iface => "interface already exists" })
-		if $ifaces->{$iface};
-	    &$check_duplicate_gateway($ifaces, $iface)
-		if $param->{gateway};
-	    &$check_duplicate_gateway6($ifaces, $iface)
-		if $param->{gateway6};
-	    $map_cidr_to_address_netmask->($param);
-	    &$check_ipv6_settings($param->{address6}, int($param->{netmask6}))
-		if $param->{address6};
-	    my $families = $param->{families} = [];
-	    push @$families, 'inet'
-		if $param->{address} && !grep(/^inet$/, @$families);
-	    push @$families, 'inet6'
-		if $param->{address6} && !grep(/^inet6$/, @$families);
-	    @$families = ('inet') if !scalar(@$families);
-	    $param->{method} = $param->{address} ? 'static' : 'manual'; 
-	    $param->{method6} = $param->{address6} ? 'static' : 'manual'; 
-	    if ($param->{type} =~ m/^OVS/) {
-		-x '/usr/bin/ovs-vsctl' ||
-		    die "Open VSwitch is not installed (need package 'openvswitch-switch')\n";
-	    }
-	    if ($param->{type} eq 'OVSIntPort' || $param->{type} eq 'OVSBond') {
-		my $brname = $param->{ovs_bridge};
-		raise_param_exc({ ovs_bridge => "parameter is required" }) if !$brname;
-		my $br = $ifaces->{$brname};
-		raise_param_exc({ ovs_bridge => "bridge '$brname' does not exist" }) if !$br;
-		raise_param_exc({ ovs_bridge => "interface '$brname' is no OVS bridge" }) 
-		    if $br->{type} ne 'OVSBridge';
-		my @ports = split (/\s+/, $br->{ovs_ports} || '');
-		$br->{ovs_ports} = join(' ', @ports, $iface)
-		    if ! grep { $_ eq $iface } @ports;
-	    }
-	    $ifaces->{$iface} = $param;
-	    PVE::INotify::write_file('interfaces', $config);
-	};
-	PVE::Tools::lock_file($iflockfn, 10, $code);
-	die $@ if $@;
-	return undef;
-    }});
-    name => 'update_network', 
-    path => '{iface}', 
-    method => 'PUT',
-    permissions => {
-	check => ['perm', '/nodes/{node}', [ 'Sys.Modify' ]],
-    },
-    description => "Update network device configuration",
-    protected => 1,
-    proxyto => 'node',
-    parameters => {
-    	additionalProperties => 0,
-	properties => json_config_properties({
-	    node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
-	    iface => get_standard_option('pve-iface'),
-	    delete => {
-		type => 'string', format => 'pve-configid-list',
-		description => "A list of settings you want to delete.",
-		optional => 1,
-	    }}),
-    },
-    returns => { type => 'null' },
-    code => sub {
-	my ($param) = @_;
-	my $node = extract_param($param, 'node');
-	my $iface = extract_param($param, 'iface');
-	my $delete = extract_param($param, 'delete');
-	my $code = sub {
-	    my $config = PVE::INotify::read_file('interfaces');
-	    my $ifaces = $config->{ifaces};
-	    raise_param_exc({ iface => "interface does not exist" })
-		if !$ifaces->{$iface};
-	    my $families = ($param->{families} ||= []);
-	    foreach my $k (PVE::Tools::split_list($delete)) {
-		delete $ifaces->{$iface}->{$k};
-		@$families = grep(!/^inet$/, @$families) if $k eq 'address';
-		@$families = grep(!/^inet6$/, @$families) if $k eq 'address6';
-	    }
-	    $map_cidr_to_address_netmask->($param);
-	    &$check_duplicate_gateway($ifaces, $iface)
-		if $param->{gateway};
-	    &$check_duplicate_gateway6($ifaces, $iface)
-		if $param->{gateway6};
-	    if ($param->{address}) {
-		push @$families, 'inet' if !grep(/^inet$/, @$families);
-	    } else {
-		@$families = grep(!/^inet$/, @$families);
-	    }
-	    if ($param->{address6}) {
-		&$check_ipv6_settings($param->{address6}, int($param->{netmask6}));
-		push @$families, 'inet6' if !grep(/^inet6$/, @$families);
-	    } else {
-		@$families = grep(!/^inet6$/, @$families);
-	    }
-	    @$families = ('inet') if !scalar(@$families);
-	    $param->{method} = $param->{address} ? 'static' : 'manual'; 
-	    $param->{method6} = $param->{address6} ? 'static' : 'manual'; 
-	    foreach my $k (keys %$param) {
-		$ifaces->{$iface}->{$k} = $param->{$k};
-	    }
-	    PVE::INotify::write_file('interfaces', $config);
-	};
-	PVE::Tools::lock_file($iflockfn, 10, $code);
-	die $@ if $@;
-	return undef;
-    }});
-    name => 'network_config', 
-    path => '{iface}', 
-    method => 'GET',
-    permissions => {
-	check => ['perm', '/nodes/{node}', [ 'Sys.Audit' ]],
-    },
-    description => "Read network device configuration",
-    proxyto => 'node',
-    parameters => {
-    	additionalProperties => 0,
-	properties => {
-	    node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
-	    iface => get_standard_option('pve-iface'),
-	},
-    },
-    returns => {
-	type => "object",
-	properties => {
-	    type => { 
-		type => 'string', 
-	    },
-	    method => {
-		type => 'string', 
-	    },
-	},
-    },
-    code => sub {
-	my ($param) = @_;
-	my $config = PVE::INotify::read_file('interfaces');
-	my $ifaces = $config->{ifaces};
-	raise_param_exc({ iface => "interface does not exist" })
-	    if !$ifaces->{$param->{iface}};
-	return $ifaces->{$param->{iface}};
-   }});
-    name => 'reload_network_config',
-    path => '',
-    method => 'PUT',
-    permissions => {
-	check => ['perm', '/nodes/{node}', [ 'Sys.Modify' ]],
-    },
-    description => "Reload network configuration",
-    protected => 1,
-    proxyto => 'node',
-    parameters => {
-	additionalProperties => 0,
-	properties => {
-	    node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
-	},
-    },
-    returns => { type => 'string' },
-    code => sub {
-	my ($param) = @_;
-        my $rpcenv = PVE::RPCEnvironment::get();
-        my $authuser = $rpcenv->get_user();
-	my $current_config_file = "/etc/network/interfaces";
-	my $new_config_file = "/etc/network/interfaces.new";
-	die "you need ifupdown2 to reload networking\n" if !-e '/usr/share/ifupdown2';
-	die "no new network config to apply\n" if !-e $new_config_file;
-	#clean-me
-	my $fh = IO::File->new("<$current_config_file");
-	my $running_config = PVE::INotify::read_etc_network_interfaces(1,$fh);
-	$fh->close();
-	#clean-me
-	$fh = IO::File->new("<$new_config_file");
-	my $new_config = PVE::INotify::read_etc_network_interfaces(1,$fh);
-	$fh->close();
-	my $ovs_changes = undef;
-	my $bridges_delete = {};
-	my $running_ifaces = $running_config->{ifaces};
-	my $new_ifaces = $new_config->{ifaces};
-	foreach my $iface (keys %$running_ifaces) {
-	    my $running_iface = $running_ifaces->{$iface};
-	    my $type = $running_iface->{type};
-	    my $new_iface = $new_ifaces->{$iface};
-	    my $new_type = $new_iface->{type};
-	    $bridges_delete->{$iface} = 1 if !defined($new_iface) && $type eq 'bridge';
-	    if ($type =~ m/^OVS/) {
-		#deleted ovs
-		$ovs_changes = 1 if !defined($new_iface);
-		#change ovs type to new type
-		$ovs_changes = 1 if $new_type ne $type;
-		#deleted or changed option
-		foreach my $iface_option (keys %$running_iface) {
-		    if (!defined($new_iface->{$iface_option}) || ($running_iface->{$iface_option} ne $new_iface->{$iface_option})) {
-			$ovs_changes = 1;
-		    }
-		}
-	    } else {
-		#change type to ovs
-		$ovs_changes = 1 if $new_type =~ m/^OVS/;
-	    }
-	}
-	foreach my $iface (keys %$new_ifaces) {
-	    my $new_iface = $new_ifaces->{$iface};
-	    my $new_type = $new_iface->{type};
-	    my $running_iface = $running_ifaces->{$iface};
-	    my $type = $running_iface->{type};
-	    if ($new_type =~ m/^OVS/) {
-		#new ovs
-		$ovs_changes = 1 if !defined($running_iface);
-		#new option
-		foreach my $iface_option (keys %$new_iface) {
-		    if (!defined($running_iface->{$iface_option})) {
-			$ovs_changes = 1;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	die "reloading config with ovs changes is not possible currently\n"
-	    if $ovs_changes;
-	foreach my $bridge (keys %$bridges_delete) {
-	    my (undef, $interface) = dir_glob_regex("/sys/class/net/$bridge/brif", '(tap|veth|fwpr).*');
-	    die "bridge deletion is not possible currently if vm or ct are running on this bridge\n"
-		if defined($interface);
-	}
-	my $worker = sub {
-	    PVE::Tools::file_copy($new_config_file, $current_config_file);
-	    my $new_config = PVE::INotify::read_file('interfaces');
-	    my $cmd = ['ifreload', '-a'];
-	    my $ifaces_errors = {};
-	    my $ifaces_errors_final = {};
-	    my $err = sub {
-		my $line = shift;
-		if ($line =~ /(warning|error): (\S+):/) {
-		    $ifaces_errors->{$2} = 1;
-		    print "$2 : error reloading configuration online : try to ifdown/ifdown later : $line \n";
-		}
-	    };
-	    PVE::Tools::run_command($cmd,errfunc => $err);
-	    my $err2 = sub {
-		my $line = shift;
-		if ($line =~ /(warning|error): (\S+):/) {
-		    $ifaces_errors_final->{$2} = 1;
-		    print "$2 : error restart: $line \n";
-		}
-	    };
-	    #try ifdown/up for non online change options
-	    foreach my $iface (keys %$ifaces_errors) {
-		eval { PVE::Tools::run_command(['ifdown',$iface]) };
-		PVE::Tools::run_command(['ifup',$iface],errfunc => $err2);
-	    }
-	    #if we still have error, recopy old config of failed interfaces in running config
-	    #and keep new interface config to try to apply it later
-	    if(keys %$ifaces_errors_final > 0 ) {
-		foreach my $iface (keys %$ifaces_errors_final) {
-		    print "error: $iface config has not been applied\n";
-		    delete $new_config->{ifaces}->{$iface};
-		    $new_config->{ifaces}->{$iface} = $running_config->{ifaces}->{$iface};
-		}
-		#clean-me
-		my $fh = IO::File->new(">$current_config_file");
-		PVE::INotify::write_etc_network_interfaces(1, $fh, $new_config);
-		$fh->close();
-	     } else {
-		unlink $new_config_file;
-	     }
-	};
-	return $rpcenv->fork_worker('srvreload', 'networking', $authuser, $worker);
-   }});
-    name => 'delete_network', 
-    path => '{iface}', 
-    method => 'DELETE',
-    permissions => {
-	check => ['perm', '/nodes/{node}', [ 'Sys.Modify' ]],
-    },
-    description => "Delete network device configuration",
-    protected => 1,
-    proxyto => 'node',
-    parameters => {
-    	additionalProperties => 0,
-	properties => {
-	    node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
-	    iface => get_standard_option('pve-iface'),
-	},
-    },
-    returns => { type => 'null' },
-    code => sub {
-	my ($param) = @_;
-	my $code = sub {
-	    my $config = PVE::INotify::read_file('interfaces');
-	    my $ifaces = $config->{ifaces};
-	    raise_param_exc({ iface => "interface does not exist" })
-		if !$ifaces->{$param->{iface}};
-	    my $d = $ifaces->{$param->{iface}};
-	    if ($d->{type} eq 'OVSIntPort' || $d->{type} eq 'OVSBond') {
-		if (my $brname = $d->{ovs_bridge}) {
-		    if (my $br = $ifaces->{$brname}) {
-			if ($br->{ovs_ports}) {
-			    my @ports = split (/\s+/, $br->{ovs_ports});
-			    my @new = grep { $_ ne $param->{iface} } @ports;
-			    $br->{ovs_ports} = join(' ', @new);
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    delete $ifaces->{$param->{iface}};
-	    PVE::INotify::write_file('interfaces', $config);
-	};
-	PVE::Tools::lock_file($iflockfn, 10, $code);
-	die $@ if $@;
-	return undef;
-    }});
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 31138fc3..f3cfb986 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 11~),
+               libpve-network-perl,
                pve-doc-generator (>= 5.4-2),
@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ Depends: apt-transport-https,
          pve-container (>= 2.0-21),
+         libpve-network-perl,
          pve-i18n (>= 1.0-3),
          pve-xtermjs (>= 0.1-1),

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