[pve-devel] [PATCH pve-common 1/2] remove networkconfig code from Inotify (moved to pve-network)
Alexandre Derumier
aderumier at odiso.com
Fri Jun 7 11:58:47 CEST 2019
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Derumier <aderumier at odiso.com>
src/PVE/INotify.pm | 927 ---------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 927 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/PVE/INotify.pm b/src/PVE/INotify.pm
index bb7ed7e..e1c4c09 100644
--- a/src/PVE/INotify.pm
+++ b/src/PVE/INotify.pm
@@ -721,933 +721,6 @@ register_file('active', "/var/log/pve/tasks/active",
-our $bond_modes = { 'balance-rr' => 0,
- 'active-backup' => 1,
- 'balance-xor' => 2,
- 'broadcast' => 3,
- '802.3ad' => 4,
- 'balance-tlb' => 5,
- 'balance-alb' => 6,
- };
-my $ovs_bond_modes = {
- 'active-backup' => 1,
- 'balance-slb' => 1,
- 'lacp-balance-slb' => 1,
- 'lacp-balance-tcp' => 1,
-#sub get_bond_modes {
-# return $bond_modes;
-my $parse_ovs_option = sub {
- my ($data) = @_;
- my $opts = {};
- foreach my $kv (split (/\s+/, $data || '')) {
- my ($k, $v) = split('=', $kv, 2);
- $opts->{$k} = $v if $k && $v;
- }
- return $opts;
-my $set_ovs_option = sub {
- my ($d, %params) = @_;
- my $opts = &$parse_ovs_option($d->{ovs_options});
- foreach my $k (keys %params) {
- my $v = $params{$k};
- if ($v) {
- $opts->{$k} = $v;
- } else {
- delete $opts->{$k};
- }
- }
- my $res = [];
- foreach my $k (keys %$opts) {
- push @$res, "$k=$opts->{$k}";
- }
- if (my $new = join(' ', @$res)) {
- $d->{ovs_options} = $new;
- return $d->{ovs_options};
- } else {
- delete $d->{ovs_options};
- return undef;
- }
-my $extract_ovs_option = sub {
- my ($d, $name) = @_;
- my $opts = &$parse_ovs_option($d->{ovs_options});
- my $v = delete $opts->{$name};
- my $res = [];
- foreach my $k (keys %$opts) {
- push @$res, "$k=$opts->{$k}";
- }
- if (my $new = join(' ', @$res)) {
- $d->{ovs_options} = $new;
- } else {
- delete $d->{ovs_options};
- }
- return $v;
-my $check_mtu = sub {
- my ($ifaces, $parent, $child) = @_;
- die "check mtu - missing parent interface\n" if !$parent;
- die "check mtu - missing child interface\n" if !$child;
- my $cmtu = $ifaces->{$child}->{mtu};
- return if !$cmtu;
- my $parentdata = $ifaces->{$parent};
- my $pmtu = $parentdata->{mtu};
- $pmtu = $cmtu if $parentdata->{type} eq 'bond' && !$pmtu;
- $pmtu = 1500 if !$pmtu;
- die "interface '$parent' - mtu $pmtu is lower than '$child' - mtu $cmtu\n"
- if $pmtu < $cmtu;
-# config => {
-# ifaces => {
-# $ifname => {
-# <optional> exists => BOOL,
-# <optional> active => BOOL,
-# <optional> autostart => BOOL,
-# <auto> priority => INT,
-# type => "eth" | "bridge" | "bond" | "loopback" | "OVS*" | ... ,
-# families => ["inet", "inet6", ...],
-# method => "manual" | "static" | "dhcp" | ... ,
-# address => IP,
-# netmask => SUBNET,
-# broadcast => IP,
-# gateway => IP,
-# comments => [ "..." ],
-# method6 => "manual" | "static" | "dhcp" | ... ,
-# address6 => IP,
-# netmask6 => SUBNET,
-# gateway6 => IP,
-# comments6 => [ "..." ],
-# <known options>, # like bridge_ports, ovs_*
-# # extra/unknown options stored by-family:
-# options => { <inet options>... }
-# options6 => { <inet6 options>... }
-# }
-# },
-# options => [
-# # mappings end up here as well, as we don't need to understand them
-# [priority,line]
-# ]
-# }
-sub read_etc_network_interfaces {
- my ($filename, $fh) = @_;
- my $proc_net_dev = IO::File->new('/proc/net/dev', 'r');
- my $active = PVE::ProcFSTools::get_active_network_interfaces();
- return __read_etc_network_interfaces($fh, $proc_net_dev, $active);
-sub __read_etc_network_interfaces {
- my ($fh, $proc_net_dev, $active_ifaces) = @_;
- my $config = {};
- my $ifaces = $config->{ifaces} = {};
- my $options = $config->{options} = [];
- my $options_alternatives = {
- 'bond-slaves' => 'slaves',
- 'bond_slaves' => 'slaves',
- 'bond-xmit-hash-policy' => 'bond_xmit_hash_policy',
- 'bond-mode' => 'bond_mode',
- 'bond-miimon' =>'bond_miimon',
- 'bridge-vlan-aware' => 'bridge_vlan_aware',
- 'bridge-fd' => 'bridge_fd',
- 'bridge-stp' => 'bridge_stp',
- 'bridge-ports' => 'bridge_ports',
- 'bridge-vids' => 'bridge_vids'
- };
- my $line;
- if ($proc_net_dev) {
- while (defined ($line = <$proc_net_dev>)) {
- if ($line =~ m/^\s*($PVE::Network::PHYSICAL_NIC_RE):.*/) {
- $ifaces->{$1}->{exists} = 1;
- }
- }
- close($proc_net_dev);
- }
- # we try to keep order inside the file
- my $priority = 2; # 1 is reserved for lo
- SECTION: while (defined ($line = <$fh>)) {
- chomp ($line);
- next if $line =~ m/^\s*#/;
- if ($line =~ m/^\s*auto\s+(.*)$/) {
- my @aa = split (/\s+/, $1);
- foreach my $a (@aa) {
- $ifaces->{$a}->{autostart} = 1;
- }
- } elsif ($line =~ m/^\s*iface\s+(\S+)\s+(inet6?)\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
- my $i = $1;
- my $family = $2;
- my $f = { method => $3 }; # by family, merged to $d with a $suffix
- (my $suffix = $family) =~ s/^inet//;
- foreach my $existing_family (@{$ifaces->{$i}->{'families'}}) {
- die "interface $i with family $family already exist" if $family eq $existing_family;
- }
- my $d = $ifaces->{$i} ||= {};
- $d->{priority} = $priority++ if !$d->{priority};
- push @{$d->{families}}, $family;
- while (defined ($line = <$fh>)) {
- chomp $line;
- if ($line =~ m/^\s*#(.*?)\s*$/) {
- $f->{comments} = '' if !$f->{comments};
- my $comment = decode('UTF-8', $1);
- $f->{comments} .= "$comment\n";
- } elsif ($line =~ m/^\s*(?:iface\s
- |mapping\s
- |auto\s
- |allow-
- |source\s
- |source-directory\s
- )/x) {
- last;
- } elsif ($line =~ m/^\s*((\S+)\s+(.+))$/) {
- my $option = $1;
- my ($id, $value) = ($2, $3);
- $id = $options_alternatives->{$id} if $options_alternatives->{$id};
- my $simple_options = {
- 'mtu' => 1,
- 'ovs_type' => 1,
- 'ovs_options' => 1,
- 'ovs_bridge' => 1,
- 'ovs_bonds' => 1,
- 'ovs_ports' => 1,
- 'bridge_fd' => 1,
- 'bridge_vids' => 1,
- 'bridge-access' => 1,
- 'bridge-learning' => 1,
- 'bridge-arp-nd-suppress' => 1,
- 'bridge-unicast-flood' => 1,
- 'bridge-multicast-flood' => 1,
- 'bond_miimon' => 1,
- 'bond_xmit_hash_policy' => 1,
- 'uplink-id' => 1,
- 'vrf' => 1,
- 'vrf-table' => 1,
- 'vlan-protocol' => 1,
- 'vxlan-id' => 1,
- 'vxlan-svcnodeip' => 1,
- 'vxlan-physdev' => 1,
- 'vxlan-local-tunnelip' => 1 };
- if (($id eq 'address') || ($id eq 'netmask') || ($id eq 'broadcast') || ($id eq 'gateway')) {
- $f->{$id} = $value;
- } elsif ($simple_options->{$id}) {
- $d->{$id} = $value;
- } elsif ($id eq 'slaves' || $id eq 'bridge_ports') {
- my $devs = {};
- foreach my $p (split (/\s+/, $value)) {
- next if $p eq 'none';
- $devs->{$p} = 1;
- }
- my $str = join (' ', sort keys %{$devs});
- if ($d->{$id}) {
- $d->{$id} .= ' ' . $str if $str;
- } else {
- $d->{$id} = $str || '';
- }
- } elsif ($id eq 'bridge_stp') {
- if ($value =~ m/^\s*(on|yes)\s*$/i) {
- $d->{$id} = 'on';
- } else {
- $d->{$id} = 'off';
- }
- } elsif ($id eq 'bridge_vlan_aware') {
- $d->{$id} = 1;
- } elsif ($id eq 'bond_mode') {
- # always use names
- foreach my $bm (keys %$bond_modes) {
- my $id = $bond_modes->{$bm};
- if ($id eq $value) {
- $value = $bm;
- last;
- }
- }
- $d->{$id} = $value;
- } elsif ($id eq 'vxlan-remoteip') {
- push @{$d->{$id}}, $value;
- } else {
- push @{$f->{options}}, $option;
- }
- } else {
- last;
- }
- }
- $d->{"$_$suffix"} = $f->{$_} foreach (keys %$f);
- last SECTION if !defined($line);
- redo SECTION;
- } elsif ($line =~ /\w/) {
- push @$options, [$priority++, $line];
- }
- }
- foreach my $ifname (@$active_ifaces) {
- if (my $iface = $ifaces->{$ifname}) {
- $iface->{active} = 1;
- }
- }
- if (!$ifaces->{lo}) {
- $ifaces->{lo}->{priority} = 1;
- $ifaces->{lo}->{method} = 'loopback';
- $ifaces->{lo}->{type} = 'loopback';
- $ifaces->{lo}->{autostart} = 1;
- }
- foreach my $iface (keys %$ifaces) {
- my $d = $ifaces->{$iface};
- if ($iface =~ m/^bond\d+$/) {
- if (!$d->{ovs_type}) {
- $d->{type} = 'bond';
- } elsif ($d->{ovs_type} eq 'OVSBond') {
- $d->{type} = $d->{ovs_type};
- # translate: ovs_options => bond_mode
- $d->{'bond_mode'} = &$extract_ovs_option($d, 'bond_mode');
- my $lacp = &$extract_ovs_option($d, 'lacp');
- if ($lacp && $lacp eq 'active') {
- if ($d->{'bond_mode'} eq 'balance-slb') {
- $d->{'bond_mode'} = 'lacp-balance-slb';
- }
- }
- # Note: balance-tcp needs lacp
- if ($d->{'bond_mode'} eq 'balance-tcp') {
- $d->{'bond_mode'} = 'lacp-balance-tcp';
- }
- my $tag = &$extract_ovs_option($d, 'tag');
- $d->{ovs_tag} = $tag if defined($tag);
- } else {
- $d->{type} = 'unknown';
- }
- } elsif ($iface =~ m/^(vmbr|vnet)\d+$/) {
- if (!$d->{ovs_type}) {
- $d->{type} = 'bridge';
- if (!defined ($d->{bridge_fd})) {
- $d->{bridge_fd} = 0;
- }
- if (!defined ($d->{bridge_stp})) {
- $d->{bridge_stp} = 'off';
- }
- } elsif ($d->{ovs_type} eq 'OVSBridge') {
- $d->{type} = $d->{ovs_type};
- } else {
- $d->{type} = 'unknown';
- }
- } elsif ($iface =~ m/^(\S+):\d+$/) {
- $d->{type} = 'alias';
- if (defined ($ifaces->{$1})) {
- $d->{exists} = $ifaces->{$1}->{exists};
- } else {
- $ifaces->{$1}->{exists} = 0;
- $d->{exists} = 0;
- }
- } elsif ($iface =~ m/^(\S+)\.\d+$/) {
- $d->{type} = 'vlan';
- if (defined ($ifaces->{$1})) {
- $d->{exists} = $ifaces->{$1}->{exists};
- } else {
- $ifaces->{$1}->{exists} = 0;
- $d->{exists} = 0;
- }
- } elsif ($iface =~ m/^$PVE::Network::PHYSICAL_NIC_RE$/) {
- if (!$d->{ovs_type}) {
- $d->{type} = 'eth';
- } elsif ($d->{ovs_type} eq 'OVSPort') {
- $d->{type} = $d->{ovs_type};
- my $tag = &$extract_ovs_option($d, 'tag');
- $d->{ovs_tag} = $tag if defined($tag);
- } else {
- $d->{type} = 'unknown';
- }
- } elsif ($iface =~ m/^lo$/) {
- $d->{type} = 'loopback';
- } else {
- if ($d->{'vxlan-id'}) {
- $d->{type} = 'vxlan';
- } elsif ($d->{'vrf-table'}) {
- $d->{type} = 'vrfint';
- } elsif (!$d->{ovs_type}) {
- $d->{type} = 'unknown';
- } elsif ($d->{ovs_type} eq 'OVSIntPort') {
- $d->{type} = $d->{ovs_type};
- my $tag = &$extract_ovs_option($d, 'tag');
- $d->{ovs_tag} = $tag if defined($tag);
- }
- }
- # map address and netmask to cidr
- if ($d->{address}) {
- if ($d->{netmask} =~ m/^\d+$/) { # e.g. netmask 20
- $d->{cidr} = $d->{address} . "/" . $d->{netmask};
- } elsif ($d->{netmask} &&
- (my $cidr = PVE::JSONSchema::get_netmask_bits($d->{netmask}))) { # e.g. netmask
- $d->{cidr} = $d->{address} . "/" . $cidr;
- } elsif ($d->{address} =~ m!^(.*)/(\d+)$!) {
- $d->{cidr} = $d->{address};
- $d->{address} = $1;
- $d->{netmask} = $2;
- } else {
- $d->{cidr} = $d->{address};
- }
- }
- # map address6 and netmask6 to cidr6
- if ($d->{address6}) {
- $d->{cidr6} = $d->{address6};
- if ($d->{netmask6}) {
- $d->{cidr6} .= "/" . $d->{netmask6};
- } elsif ($d->{address6} =~ m!^(.*)/(\d+)$!) {
- $d->{address6} = $1;
- $d->{netmask6} = $2;
- }
- }
- $d->{method} = 'manual' if !$d->{method};
- $d->{method6} = 'manual' if !$d->{method6};
- $d->{families} ||= ['inet'];
- }
- # OVS bridges create "allow-$BRIDGE $IFACE" lines which we need to remove
- # from the {options} hash for them to be removed correctly.
- @$options = grep {defined($_)} map {
- my ($pri, $line) = @$_;
- if ($line =~ /^allow-(\S+)\s+(.*)$/) {
- my $bridge = $1;
- my @ports = split(/\s+/, $2);
- if (defined(my $br = $ifaces->{$bridge})) {
- # if this port is part of a bridge, remove it
- my %in_ovs_ports = map {$_=>1} split(/\s+/, $br->{ovs_ports});
- @ports = grep { not $in_ovs_ports{$_} } @ports;
- }
- # create the allow line for the remaining ports, or delete if empty
- if (@ports) {
- [$pri, "allow-$bridge " . join(' ', @ports)];
- } else {
- undef;
- }
- } else {
- # don't modify other lines
- $_;
- }
- } @$options;
- return $config;
-sub __interface_to_string {
- my ($iface, $d, $family, $first_block, $ifupdown2) = @_;
- (my $suffix = $family) =~ s/^inet//;
- return '' if !($d && $d->{"method$suffix"});
- my $raw = '';
- $raw .= "iface $iface $family " . $d->{"method$suffix"} . "\n";
- $raw .= "\taddress " . $d->{"address$suffix"} . "\n" if $d->{"address$suffix"};
- $raw .= "\tnetmask " . $d->{"netmask$suffix"} . "\n" if $d->{"netmask$suffix"};
- $raw .= "\tgateway " . $d->{"gateway$suffix"} . "\n" if $d->{"gateway$suffix"};
- $raw .= "\tbroadcast " . $d->{"broadcast$suffix"} . "\n" if $d->{"broadcast$suffix"};
- my $done = { type => 1, priority => 1, method => 1, active => 1, exists => 1,
- comments => 1, autostart => 1, options => 1,
- address => 1, netmask => 1, gateway => 1, broadcast => 1,
- method6 => 1, families => 1, options6 => 1,
- address6 => 1, netmask6 => 1, gateway6 => 1, broadcast6 => 1, 'uplink-id' => 1 };
- if (!$first_block) {
- # not printing out options
- } elsif ($d->{type} eq 'bridge') {
- $d->{bridge_ports} =~ s/[;,\s]+/ /g;
- my $ports = $d->{bridge_ports} || 'none';
- $raw .= "\tbridge-ports $ports\n";
- $done->{bridge_ports} = 1;
- my $v = defined($d->{bridge_stp}) ? $d->{bridge_stp} : 'off';
- $raw .= "\tbridge-stp $v\n";
- $done->{bridge_stp} = 1;
- $v = defined($d->{bridge_fd}) ? $d->{bridge_fd} : 0;
- $raw .= "\tbridge-fd $v\n";
- $done->{bridge_fd} = 1;
- if( defined($d->{bridge_vlan_aware})) {
- $raw .= "\tbridge-vlan-aware yes\n";
- $v = defined($d->{bridge_vids}) ? $d->{bridge_vids} : "2-4094";
- $raw .= "\tbridge-vids $v\n";
- }
- $done->{bridge_vlan_aware} = 1;
- $done->{bridge_vids} = 1;
- } elsif ($d->{type} eq 'bond') {
- $d->{slaves} =~ s/[;,\s]+/ /g;
- my $slaves = $d->{slaves} || 'none';
- $raw .= "\tbond-slaves $slaves\n";
- $done->{slaves} = 1;
- my $v = defined ($d->{'bond_miimon'}) ? $d->{'bond_miimon'} : 100;
- $raw .= "\tbond-miimon $v\n";
- $done->{'bond_miimon'} = 1;
- $v = defined ($d->{'bond_mode'}) ? $d->{'bond_mode'} : 'balance-rr';
- $raw .= "\tbond-mode $v\n";
- $done->{'bond_mode'} = 1;
- if ($d->{'bond_mode'} && $d->{'bond_xmit_hash_policy'} &&
- ($d->{'bond_mode'} eq 'balance-xor' || $d->{'bond_mode'} eq '802.3ad')) {
- $raw .= "\tbond-xmit-hash-policy $d->{'bond_xmit_hash_policy'}\n";
- }
- $done->{'bond_xmit_hash_policy'} = 1;
- } elsif ($d->{type} eq 'vlan') {
- die "$iface: wrong vlan-protocol $d->{'vlan-protocol'}\n"
- if $d->{'vlan-protocol'} && $d->{'vlan-protocol'} ne '802.1ad' && $d->{'vlan-protocol'} ne '802.1q';
- } elsif ($d->{type} eq 'vrfint') {
- my $vrftable = $d->{'vrf-table'};
- if ($vrftable) {
- if ($vrftable =~ m/(\d+)$/) {
- die "$iface: vrf-table $vrftable must be between 1001 and 1255" if ($vrftable < 1001 || $vrftable > 1255);
- } else {
- die "$iface: vrf-table $vrftable need to be auto if no tableid is defined" if $vrftable ne 'auto';
- }
- }
- } elsif ($d->{type} eq 'vxlan') {
- foreach my $k (qw(vxlan-id vxlan-svcnodeip vxlan-physdev vxlan-local-tunnelip)) {
- $raw .= "\t$k $d->{$k}\n" if defined $d->{$k};
- $done->{$k} = 1;
- }
- if ($d->{'vxlan-remoteip'}) {
- foreach my $remoteip (@{$d->{'vxlan-remoteip'}}) {
- $raw .= "\tvxlan-remoteip $remoteip\n";
- }
- $done->{'vxlan-remoteip'} = 1;
- }
- } elsif ($d->{type} eq 'OVSBridge') {
- $raw .= "\tovs_type $d->{type}\n";
- $done->{ovs_type} = 1;
- $raw .= "\tovs_ports $d->{ovs_ports}\n" if $d->{ovs_ports};
- $done->{ovs_ports} = 1;
- } elsif ($d->{type} eq 'OVSPort' || $d->{type} eq 'OVSIntPort' ||
- $d->{type} eq 'OVSBond') {
- $d->{autostart} = 0; # started by the bridge
- if (defined($d->{ovs_tag})) {
- &$set_ovs_option($d, tag => $d->{ovs_tag});
- }
- $done->{ovs_tag} = 1;
- if ($d->{type} eq 'OVSBond') {
- $d->{bond_mode} = 'active-backup' if !$d->{bond_mode};
- $ovs_bond_modes->{$d->{bond_mode}} ||
- die "OVS does not support bond mode '$d->{bond_mode}\n";
- if ($d->{bond_mode} eq 'lacp-balance-slb') {
- &$set_ovs_option($d, lacp => 'active');
- &$set_ovs_option($d, bond_mode => 'balance-slb');
- } elsif ($d->{bond_mode} eq 'lacp-balance-tcp') {
- &$set_ovs_option($d, lacp => 'active');
- &$set_ovs_option($d, bond_mode => 'balance-tcp');
- } else {
- &$set_ovs_option($d, lacp => undef);
- &$set_ovs_option($d, bond_mode => $d->{bond_mode});
- }
- $done->{bond_mode} = 1;
- $raw .= "\tovs_bonds $d->{ovs_bonds}\n" if $d->{ovs_bonds};
- $done->{ovs_bonds} = 1;
- }
- $raw .= "\tovs_type $d->{type}\n";
- $done->{ovs_type} = 1;
- if ($d->{ovs_bridge}) {
- if ($ifupdown2) {
- $raw = "auto $iface\n$raw";
- } else {
- $raw = "allow-$d->{ovs_bridge} $iface\n$raw";
- }
- $raw .= "\tovs_bridge $d->{ovs_bridge}\n";
- $done->{ovs_bridge} = 1;
- }
- }
- if ($first_block) {
- # print other settings
- foreach my $k (sort keys %$d) {
- next if $done->{$k};
- next if !$d->{$k};
- $raw .= "\t$k $d->{$k}\n";
- }
- }
- foreach my $option (@{$d->{"options$suffix"}}) {
- $raw .= "\t$option\n";
- }
- # add comments
- my $comments = $d->{"comments$suffix"} || '';
- foreach my $cl (split(/\n/, $comments)) {
- $raw .= "#$cl\n";
- }
- $raw .= "\n";
- return $raw;
-sub write_etc_network_interfaces {
- my ($filename, $fh, $config) = @_;
- my $ifupdown2 = -e '/usr/share/ifupdown2';
- my $raw = __write_etc_network_interfaces($config, $ifupdown2);
- PVE::Tools::safe_print($filename, $fh, encode('UTF-8', $raw));
-sub __write_etc_network_interfaces {
- my ($config, $ifupdown2) = @_;
- my $ifaces = $config->{ifaces};
- my @options = @{$config->{options}};
- my $used_ports = {};
- foreach my $iface (keys %$ifaces) {
- my $d = $ifaces->{$iface};
- delete $d->{cidr};
- delete $d->{cidr6};
- my $ports = '';
- foreach my $k (qw(bridge_ports ovs_ports slaves ovs_bonds)) {
- $ports .= " $d->{$k}" if $d->{$k};
- }
- foreach my $p (PVE::Tools::split_list($ports)) {
- die "port '$p' is already used on interface '$used_ports->{$p}'\n"
- if $used_ports->{$p} && $used_ports->{$p} ne $iface;
- $used_ports->{$p} = $iface;
- }
- }
- # delete unused OVS ports
- foreach my $iface (keys %$ifaces) {
- my $d = $ifaces->{$iface};
- if ($d->{type} eq 'OVSPort' || $d->{type} eq 'OVSIntPort' ||
- $d->{type} eq 'OVSBond') {
- my $brname = $used_ports->{$iface};
- if (!$brname || !$ifaces->{$brname}) {
- if ($iface =~ /^$PVE::Network::PHYSICAL_NIC_RE/) {
- $ifaces->{$iface} = { type => 'eth',
- exists => 1,
- method => 'manual',
- families => ['inet'] };
- } else {
- delete $ifaces->{$iface};
- }
- next;
- }
- my $bd = $ifaces->{$brname};
- if ($bd->{type} ne 'OVSBridge') {
- delete $ifaces->{$iface};
- next;
- }
- }
- }
- # create OVS bridge ports
- foreach my $iface (keys %$ifaces) {
- my $d = $ifaces->{$iface};
- if ($d->{type} eq 'OVSBridge' && $d->{ovs_ports}) {
- foreach my $p (split (/\s+/, $d->{ovs_ports})) {
- my $n = $ifaces->{$p};
- die "OVS bridge '$iface' - unable to find port '$p'\n"
- if !$n;
- $n->{autostart} = 0;
- if ($n->{type} eq 'eth') {
- $n->{type} = 'OVSPort';
- $n->{ovs_bridge} = $iface;
- } elsif ($n->{type} eq 'OVSBond' || $n->{type} eq 'OVSPort' ||
- $n->{type} eq 'OVSIntPort') {
- $n->{ovs_bridge} = $iface;
- } else {
- die "interface '$p' is not defined as OVS port/bond\n";
- }
- &$check_mtu($ifaces, $iface, $p);
- }
- }
- }
- # check OVS bond ports
- foreach my $iface (keys %$ifaces) {
- my $d = $ifaces->{$iface};
- if ($d->{type} eq 'OVSBond' && $d->{ovs_bonds}) {
- foreach my $p (split (/\s+/, $d->{ovs_bonds})) {
- my $n = $ifaces->{$p};
- die "OVS bond '$iface' - unable to find slave '$p'\n"
- if !$n;
- die "OVS bond '$iface' - wrong interface type on slave '$p' " .
- "('$n->{type}' != 'eth')\n" if $n->{type} ne 'eth';
- &$check_mtu($ifaces, $iface, $p);
- }
- }
- }
- # check bond
- foreach my $iface (keys %$ifaces) {
- my $d = $ifaces->{$iface};
- if ($d->{type} eq 'bond' && $d->{slaves}) {
- foreach my $p (split (/\s+/, $d->{slaves})) {
- my $n = $ifaces->{$p};
- die "bond '$iface' - unable to find slave '$p'\n"
- if !$n;
- die "bond '$iface' - wrong interface type on slave '$p' " .
- "('$n->{type}' != 'eth')\n" if $n->{type} ne 'eth';
- &$check_mtu($ifaces, $iface, $p);
- }
- }
- }
- # check vxlan
- my $vxlans = {};
- foreach my $iface (keys %$ifaces) {
- my $d = $ifaces->{$iface};
- if ($d->{type} eq 'vxlan' && $d->{'vxlan-id'}) {
- my $vxlanid = $d->{'vxlan-id'};
- die "iface $iface - duplicate vxlan-id $vxlanid already used in $vxlans->{$vxlanid}\n" if $vxlans->{$vxlanid};
- $vxlans->{$vxlanid} = $iface;
- }
- my $ips = 0;
- ++$ips if defined $d->{'vxlan-svcnodeip'};
- ++$ips if defined $d->{'vxlan-remoteip'};
- ++$ips if defined $d->{'vxlan-local-tunnelip'};
- if ($ips > 1) {
- die "iface $iface - vxlan-svcnodeip, vxlan-remoteip and vxlan-localtunnelip are mutually exclusive\n";
- }
- if (defined($d->{'vxlan-svcnodeip'}) != defined($d->{'vxlan-physdev'})) {
- die "iface $iface - vxlan-svcnodeip and vxlan-physdev must be define together\n";
- }
- #fixme : check if vxlan mtu is lower than 50bytes than physical interface where tunnel is going out
- }
- # check vlan
- foreach my $iface (keys %$ifaces) {
- my $d = $ifaces->{$iface};
- if ($d->{type} eq 'vlan' && $iface =~ m/^(\S+)\.\d+$/) {
- my $p = $1;
- my $n = $ifaces->{$p};
- die "vlan '$iface' - unable to find parent '$p'\n"
- if !$n;
- if ($n->{type} eq 'bridge' && !$n->{bridge_vlan_aware}) {
- die "vlan '$iface' - bridge vlan aware is not enabled on parent '$p'\n";
- } elsif ($n->{type} ne 'eth' && $n->{type} ne 'bridge' && $n->{type} ne 'bond' && $n->{type} ne 'vlan') {
- die "vlan '$iface' - wrong interface type on parent '$p' " .
- "('$n->{type}' != 'eth|bond|bridge|vlan' )\n";
- }
- &$check_mtu($ifaces, $p, $iface);
- }
- }
- # check vrf
- my $vrfs = {};
- foreach my $iface (keys %$ifaces) {
- my $d = $ifaces->{$iface};
- if ($d->{'type'} eq 'vrfint') {
- die "vrf $iface already exist" if $vrfs->{$iface};
- $vrfs->{$iface} = 1;
- }
- }
- # check uplink
- my $uplinks = {};
- foreach my $iface (keys %$ifaces) {
- my $d = $ifaces->{$iface};
- if (my $uplinkid = $d->{'uplink-id'}) {
- die "iface '$iface' - uplink-id $uplinkid is only allowed on physical and linux bond interfaces\n"
- if $d->{type} ne 'eth' && $d->{type} ne 'bond' && $d->{type} ne 'vlan';
- die "iface '$iface' - uplink-id $uplinkid is already assigned on '$uplinks->{$uplinkid}'\n"
- if $uplinks->{$uplinkid};
- $uplinks->{$uplinkid} = $iface;
- }
- }
- # check bridgeport option
- my $bridgeports = {};
- my $bridges = {};
- foreach my $iface (keys %$ifaces) {
- my $d = $ifaces->{$iface};
- if ($d->{type} eq 'bridge') {
- foreach my $p (split (/\s+/, $d->{bridge_ports})) {
- $p =~ s/\.\d+$//;
- my $n = $ifaces->{$p};
- die "bridge '$iface' - unable to find bridge port '$p'\n"
- if !$n;
- &$check_mtu($ifaces, $iface, $p);
- $bridgeports->{$p} = $iface;
- }
- $bridges->{$iface} = $d;
- }
- }
- foreach my $iface (keys %$ifaces) {
- my $d = $ifaces->{$iface};
- foreach my $k (qw(bridge-learning bridge-arp-nd-suppress bridge-unicast-flood bridge-multicast-flood bridge-access)) {
- die "iface $iface - $k: bridge port specific options can be used only on interfaces attached to a bridge\n"
- if $d->{$k} && !$bridgeports->{$iface};
- }
- if ($d->{'bridge-access'} && !$bridges->{$bridgeports->{$iface}}->{bridge_vlan_aware}) {
- die "iface $iface - bridge-access option can be only used if interface is in a vlan aware bridge\n";
- }
- die "vrf $d->{vrf} don't exist" if $d->{vrf} && !$vrfs->{$d->{vrf}};
- }
- my $raw = <<'NETWORKDOC';
-# network interface settings; autogenerated
-# Please do NOT modify this file directly, unless you know what
-# you're doing.
-# If you want to manage parts of the network configuration manually,
-# please utilize the 'source' or 'source-directory' directives to do
-# so.
-# PVE will preserve these directives, but will NOT read its network
-# configuration from sourced files, so do not attempt to move any of
-# the PVE managed interfaces into external files!
- my $printed = {};
- my $if_type_hash = {
- loopback => 100000,
- eth => 200000,
- OVSPort => 200000,
- OVSIntPort => 200000,
- bond => 300000,
- bridge => 400000,
- OVSBridge => 400000,
- vxlan => 500000,
- vrfint => 600000
- };
- my $lookup_type_prio = sub {
- my ($iface, $ifaces) = @_;
- my ($rootiface, @rest) = split(/[.:]/, $iface);
- my $childlevel = scalar(@rest);
- my $n = $ifaces->{$rootiface};
- my $pri = $if_type_hash->{$n->{type}} + $childlevel
- if $n->{type} && $n->{type} ne 'unknown';
- return $pri;
- };
- foreach my $iface (sort {
- my $ref1 = $ifaces->{$a};
- my $ref2 = $ifaces->{$b};
- my $tp1 = &$lookup_type_prio($a, $ifaces);
- my $tp2 = &$lookup_type_prio($b, $ifaces);
- # Only recognized types are in relation to each other. If one type
- # is unknown then only consider the interfaces' priority attributes.
- $tp1 = $tp2 = 0 if !defined($tp1) || !defined($tp2);
- my $p1 = $tp1 + ($ref1->{priority} // 50000);
- my $p2 = $tp2 + ($ref2->{priority} // 50000);
- return $p1 <=> $p2 if $p1 != $p2;
- return $a cmp $b;
- } keys %$ifaces) {
- next if $printed->{$iface};
- my $d = $ifaces->{$iface};
- my $pri = $d->{priority} // 0;
- if (@options && $options[0]->[0] < $pri) {
- do {
- $raw .= (shift @options)->[1] . "\n";
- } while (@options && $options[0]->[0] < $pri);
- $raw .= "\n";
- }
- $printed->{$iface} = 1;
- $raw .= "auto $iface\n" if $d->{autostart};
- my $i = 0; # some options should be printed only once
- $raw .= __interface_to_string($iface, $d, $_, !$i++, $ifupdown2) foreach @{$d->{families}};
- }
- $raw .= $_->[1] . "\n" foreach @options;
- return $raw;
-register_file('interfaces', "/etc/network/interfaces",
- \&read_etc_network_interfaces,
- \&write_etc_network_interfaces);
sub read_iscsi_initiatorname {
my ($filename, $fd) = @_;
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