[pve-devel] [PATCH pve-storage v3] storage plugin: new list_volumes plugin method

Dietmar Maurer dietmar at proxmox.com
Fri Jul 19 11:56:16 CEST 2019

This cleanup improve code reuse, and allows plugins to override list_volumes.

Changes in v3:

- keep template_list compatible with previous behavior
- rename $template_list into $get_subdir_files

Changes in v2:

- remove debug statements
- move implementaion to Plugin.pm for max. compatibility with old code
- cleanup regex (use i flag)
- bump APIVER an d APIAGE
- sort result inside volume_list (for all plugins)
- only list supported/enabled content

 PVE/Storage.pm           | 175 +++++++++------------------------------
 PVE/Storage/DirPlugin.pm |   4 +-
 PVE/Storage/Plugin.pm    |  77 +++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 139 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PVE/Storage.pm b/PVE/Storage.pm
index 5925c69..67a9a29 100755
--- a/PVE/Storage.pm
+++ b/PVE/Storage.pm
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ use PVE::Storage::ZFSPlugin;
 use PVE::Storage::DRBDPlugin;
 # Storage API version. Icrement it on changes in storage API interface.
-use constant APIVER => 2;
+use constant APIVER => 3;
 # Age is the number of versions we're backward compatible with.
 # This is like having 'current=APIVER' and age='APIAGE' in libtool,
 # see https://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual/html_node/Libtool-versioning.html
-use constant APIAGE => 1;
+use constant APIAGE => 2;
 # load standard plugins
@@ -769,116 +769,6 @@ sub vdisk_free {
     $rpcenv->fork_worker('imgdel', undef, $authuser, $cleanup_worker);
-# lists all files in the snippets directory
-sub snippets_list {
-    my ($cfg, $storeid) = @_;
-    my $ids = $cfg->{ids};
-    storage_check_enabled($cfg, $storeid) if ($storeid);
-    my $res = {};
-    foreach my $sid (keys %$ids) {
-	next if $storeid && $storeid ne $sid;
-	next if !storage_check_enabled($cfg, $sid, undef, 1);
-	my $scfg = $ids->{$sid};
-	next if !$scfg->{content}->{snippets};
-	activate_storage($cfg, $sid);
-	if ($scfg->{path}) {
-	    my $plugin = PVE::Storage::Plugin->lookup($scfg->{type});
-	    my $path = $plugin->get_subdir($scfg, 'snippets');
-	    foreach my $fn (<$path/*>) {
-		next if -d $fn;
-		push @{$res->{$sid}}, {
-		    volid => "$sid:snippets/". basename($fn),
-		    format => 'snippet',
-		    size => -s $fn // 0,
-		};
-	    }
-	}
-	if ($res->{$sid}) {
-	    @{$res->{$sid}} = sort {$a->{volid} cmp $b->{volid} } @{$res->{$sid}};
-	}
-    }
-    return $res;
-#list iso or openvz template ($tt = <iso|vztmpl|backup>)
-sub template_list {
-    my ($cfg, $storeid, $tt) = @_;
-    die "unknown template type '$tt'\n"
-	if !($tt eq 'iso' || $tt eq 'vztmpl' || $tt eq 'backup');
-    my $ids = $cfg->{ids};
-    storage_check_enabled($cfg, $storeid) if ($storeid);
-    my $res = {};
-    # query the storage
-    foreach my $sid (keys %$ids) {
-	next if $storeid && $storeid ne $sid;
-	my $scfg = $ids->{$sid};
-	my $type = $scfg->{type};
-	next if !storage_check_enabled($cfg, $sid, undef, 1);
-	next if $tt eq 'iso' && !$scfg->{content}->{iso};
-	next if $tt eq 'vztmpl' && !$scfg->{content}->{vztmpl};
-	next if $tt eq 'backup' && !$scfg->{content}->{backup};
-	activate_storage($cfg, $sid);
-	if ($scfg->{path}) {
-	    my $plugin = PVE::Storage::Plugin->lookup($scfg->{type});
-	    my $path = $plugin->get_subdir($scfg, $tt);
-	    foreach my $fn (<$path/*>) {
-		my $info;
-		if ($tt eq 'iso') {
-		    next if $fn !~ m!/([^/]+\.[Ii][Ss][Oo])$!;
-		    $info = { volid => "$sid:iso/$1", format => 'iso' };
-		} elsif ($tt eq 'vztmpl') {
-		    next if $fn !~ m!/([^/]+\.tar\.([gx]z))$!;
-		    $info = { volid => "$sid:vztmpl/$1", format => "t$2" };
-		} elsif ($tt eq 'backup') {
-		    next if $fn !~ m!/([^/]+\.(tar|tar\.gz|tar\.lzo|tgz|vma|vma\.gz|vma\.lzo))$!;
-		    $info = { volid => "$sid:backup/$1", format => $2 };
-		}
-		$info->{size} = -s $fn // 0;
-		push @{$res->{$sid}}, $info;
-	    }
-	}
-	@{$res->{$sid}} = sort {lc($a->{volid}) cmp lc ($b->{volid}) } @{$res->{$sid}} if $res->{$sid};
-    }
-    return $res;
 sub vdisk_list {
     my ($cfg, $storeid, $vmid, $vollist) = @_;
@@ -923,6 +813,35 @@ sub vdisk_list {
     return $res;
+sub template_list {
+    my ($cfg, $storeid, $tt) = @_;
+   die "unknown template type '$tt'\n"
+	if !($tt eq 'iso' || $tt eq 'vztmpl' || $tt eq 'backup' || $tt eq 'snippets');
+    my $ids = $cfg->{ids};
+    storage_check_enabled($cfg, $storeid) if ($storeid);
+    my $res = {};
+    # query the storage
+    foreach my $sid (keys %$ids) {
+	next if $storeid && $storeid ne $sid;
+	my $scfg = $ids->{$sid};
+	my $type = $scfg->{type};
+	next if !$scfg->{content}->{$tt};
+	next if !storage_check_enabled($cfg, $sid, undef, 1);
+	$res->{$sid} = volume_list($cfg, $sid, undef, $tt);
+    }
+    return $res;
 sub volume_list {
     my ($cfg, $storeid, $vmid, $content) = @_;
@@ -932,33 +851,15 @@ sub volume_list {
     my $scfg = PVE::Storage::storage_config($cfg, $storeid);
-    my $res = [];
-    foreach my $ct (@$cts) {
-	my $data;
-	if ($ct eq 'images') {
-	    $data = vdisk_list($cfg, $storeid, $vmid);
-	} elsif ($ct eq 'iso' && !defined($vmid)) {
-	    $data = template_list($cfg, $storeid, 'iso');
-	} elsif ($ct eq 'vztmpl'&& !defined($vmid)) {
-	    $data = template_list ($cfg, $storeid, 'vztmpl');
-	} elsif ($ct eq 'backup') {
-	    $data = template_list ($cfg, $storeid, 'backup');
-	    foreach my $item (@{$data->{$storeid}}) {
-		if (defined($vmid)) {
-		    @{$data->{$storeid}} = grep { $_->{volid} =~ m/\S+-$vmid-\S+/ } @{$data->{$storeid}};
-		}
-	    }
-	} elsif ($ct eq 'snippets') {
-	    $data = snippets_list($cfg, $storeid);
-	}
+    $cts = [ grep { defined($scfg->{content}->{$_}) } @$cts ];
-	next if !$data || !$data->{$storeid};
+    my $plugin = PVE::Storage::Plugin->lookup($scfg->{type});
-	foreach my $item (@{$data->{$storeid}}) {
-	    $item->{content} = $ct;
-	    push @$res, $item;
-	}
-    }
+    activate_storage($cfg, $storeid);
+    my $res = $plugin->list_volumes($storeid, $scfg, $vmid, $cts);
+    @$res = sort {lc($a->{volid}) cmp lc ($b->{volid}) } @$res;
     return $res;
diff --git a/PVE/Storage/DirPlugin.pm b/PVE/Storage/DirPlugin.pm
index e24ee09..39760a8 100644
--- a/PVE/Storage/DirPlugin.pm
+++ b/PVE/Storage/DirPlugin.pm
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ sub plugindata {
 		     { images => 1,  rootdir => 1 }],
 	format => [ { raw => 1, qcow2 => 1, vmdk => 1, subvol => 1 } , 'raw' ],
 sub properties {
     return {
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ sub activate_storage {
 	    "directory is expected to be a mount point but is not mounted: '$mp'\n";
-    $class->SUPER::activate_storage($storeid, $scfg, $cache);    
+    $class->SUPER::activate_storage($storeid, $scfg, $cache);
 sub check_config {
diff --git a/PVE/Storage/Plugin.pm b/PVE/Storage/Plugin.pm
index 842b4d2..e075a1d 100644
--- a/PVE/Storage/Plugin.pm
+++ b/PVE/Storage/Plugin.pm
@@ -902,6 +902,83 @@ sub list_images {
     return $res;
+# list templates ($tt = <iso|vztmpl|backup|snippets>)
+my $get_subdir_files = sub {
+    my ($sid, $path, $tt, $vmid) = @_;
+    my $res = [];
+    foreach my $fn (<$path/*>) {
+	next if -d $fn;
+	my $info;
+	if ($tt eq 'iso') {
+	    next if $fn !~ m!/([^/]+\.iso)$!i;
+	    $info = { volid => "$sid:iso/$1", format => 'iso' };
+	} elsif ($tt eq 'vztmpl') {
+	    next if $fn !~ m!/([^/]+\.tar\.([gx]z))$!;
+	    $info = { volid => "$sid:vztmpl/$1", format => "t$2" };
+	} elsif ($tt eq 'backup') {
+	    next if $fn !~ m!/([^/]+\.(tar|tar\.gz|tar\.lzo|tgz|vma|vma\.gz|vma\.lzo))$!;
+	    next if defined($vmid) && $fn !~  m/\S+-$vmid-\S+/;
+	    $info = { volid => "$sid:backup/$1", format => $2 };
+	} elsif ($tt eq 'snippets') {
+	    $info = {
+		volid => "$sid:snippets/". basename($fn),
+		format => 'snippet',
+	    };
+	}
+	$info->{size} = -s $fn // 0;
+	push @$res, $info;
+    }
+    return $res;
+sub list_volumes {
+    my ($class, $storeid, $scfg, $vmid, $content_types) = @_;
+    my $res = [];
+    foreach my $ct (@$content_types) {
+	my $data;
+	my $path = $class->get_subdir($scfg, $ct);
+	if ($ct eq 'images') {
+	    $data = $class->list_images($storeid, $scfg, $vmid);
+	} elsif ($ct eq 'iso' && !defined($vmid)) {
+	    $data = $get_subdir_files->($storeid, $path, 'iso');
+	} elsif ($ct eq 'vztmpl'&& !defined($vmid)) {
+	    $data = $get_subdir_files->($storeid, $path, 'vztmpl');
+	} elsif ($ct eq 'backup') {
+	    $data = $get_subdir_files->($storeid, $path, 'backup', $vmid);
+	} elsif ($ct eq 'snippets') {
+	    $data = $get_subdir_files->($storeid, $path, 'snippets');
+	}
+	next if !$data;
+	foreach my $item (@$data) {
+	    $item->{content} = $ct;
+	    push @$res, $item;
+	}
+    }
+    return $res;
 sub status {
     my ($class, $storeid, $scfg, $cache) = @_;

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