[pve-devel] New non-thin LVM volume can contain old data

Herman van Rink helmo at initfour.nl
Tue Jan 22 09:55:03 CET 2019


The sparse issue raised by Stoiko Ivanovin (bug 2050) made me realize
that this could have wider security implications.

When you create a new LVM volume(not thin) you just get a range of disk
blocks ... these are not zeroed.  So the new user of a VM gets access to
this old 'random' data.

Steps to reproduce:

- When a disk is really empty you could first create a dummy volume and
fill that with `yes foobar | dd of=/dev/mapper/dummylv bs=1M`, then
lvremove it again. (The yes utility just keeps repeating the 'foobar'

- Add a new disk volume to an existing vm, on a non-thin LVM storage
- inside the vm run: `cat /dev/<new device name> | strings` # The
strings utility skips all non-printable characters

Or to reproduce outside of Proxmox:

lvcreate --name testempty --size 1GB <vgname>

cat /dev/<vgname>/testempty | strings

In my case I got parts of my own old data. But if I we're to add a
volume to a server where a client has access, they could get old data
from another client.

You could argue that this is an issue in LVM, but it becomes a problem
in a multi user system like Proxmox. Even though this may be 'by design'
in LVM, Proxmox could help prevent users falling into this trap.

lvcreate has a --zero option, but that only clears the first 4KiB.

Another possibly related bug is 1032


Depending on the type of storage a new volume should be filled with
zero's before being used.

There could be a (default on) checkbox on the 'Add: Hard Disk' form to
skip this, but can you trust all users?

The scenario I can think of where one might want to disable this
checkbox is when your going to overwrite the whole volume anyway, and
want to avoid the delay.


Met vriendelijke groet / Regards,

Herman van Rink
Initfour websolutions

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