[pve-devel] [PATCH pve-network 1/4] add generate_etc_network_config && write_etc_network_config subs

Alexandre Derumier aderumier at odiso.com
Wed Aug 21 05:22:25 CEST 2019

moved from test script,
also skip vnet generation instead die in case of error

Signed-off-by: Alexandre Derumier <aderumier at odiso.com>
 PVE/Network/SDN.pm     | 73 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/generateconfig.pl | 81 ++----------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PVE/Network/SDN.pm b/PVE/Network/SDN.pm
index 8078c3f..9488f4f 100644
--- a/PVE/Network/SDN.pm
+++ b/PVE/Network/SDN.pm
@@ -91,4 +91,77 @@ sub status {
     return $interfaces;
+sub generate_etc_network_config {
+    my $sdn_cfg = PVE::Cluster::cfs_read_file('sdn.cfg');
+    return if !$sdn_cfg;
+    #read main config for physical interfaces
+    my $current_config_file = "/etc/network/interfaces";
+    my $fh = IO::File->new($current_config_file);
+    my $interfaces_config = PVE::INotify::read_etc_network_interfaces(1,$fh);
+    $fh->close();
+    #check uplinks
+    my $uplinks = {};
+    foreach my $id (keys %{$interfaces_config->{ifaces}}) {
+	my $interface = $interfaces_config->{ifaces}->{$id};
+	if (my $uplink = $interface->{'uplink-id'}) {
+	    die "uplink-id $uplink is already defined on $uplinks->{$uplink}" if $uplinks->{$uplink};
+	    $interface->{name} = $id;
+	    $uplinks->{$interface->{'uplink-id'}} = $interface;
+	}
+    }
+    my $vnet_cfg = undef;
+    my $transport_cfg = undef;
+    foreach my $id (keys %{$sdn_cfg->{ids}}) {
+	if ($sdn_cfg->{ids}->{$id}->{type} eq 'vnet') {
+	    $vnet_cfg->{ids}->{$id} = $sdn_cfg->{ids}->{$id};
+	} else {
+	    $transport_cfg->{ids}->{$id} = $sdn_cfg->{ids}->{$id};
+	}
+    }
+    #generate configuration
+    my $rawconfig = "";
+    foreach my $id (keys %{$vnet_cfg->{ids}}) {
+	my $vnet = $vnet_cfg->{ids}->{$id};
+	my $zone = $vnet->{transportzone};
+	if(!$zone) {
+	    warn "can't generate vnet $vnet : zone $zone don't exist";
+	    next;
+	}
+	my $plugin_config = $transport_cfg->{ids}->{$zone};
+	if (!defined($plugin_config)) {
+	    warn "can't generate vnet $vnet : zone $zone don't exist";
+	    next;
+	}
+	my $plugin = PVE::Network::SDN::Plugin->lookup($plugin_config->{type});
+	$rawconfig .= $plugin->generate_sdn_config($plugin_config, $zone, $id, $vnet, $uplinks);
+    }
+    return $rawconfig;
+sub write_etc_network_config {
+    my ($rawconfig) = @_;
+    return if !$rawconfig;
+    my $sdn_interfaces_file = "/etc/network/interfaces.d/sdn";
+    my $writefh = IO::File->new($sdn_interfaces_file,">");
+    print $writefh $rawconfig;
+    $writefh->close();
diff --git a/test/generateconfig.pl b/test/generateconfig.pl
index 0a652b8..1be9afd 100644
--- a/test/generateconfig.pl
+++ b/test/generateconfig.pl
@@ -3,84 +3,9 @@ use warnings;
 use File::Copy;
 use PVE::Cluster qw(cfs_read_file);
-use PVE::Network::SDN::Plugin;
-use PVE::Network::SDN::VnetPlugin;
-use PVE::Network::SDN::VlanPlugin;
-use PVE::Network::SDN::VxlanMulticastPlugin;
+use PVE::Network::SDN;
-my $rawconfig = generate_sdn_config();
+my $rawconfig = PVE::Network::SDN::generate_etc_network_config();
 print $rawconfig;
-sub generate_sdn_config {
-     #only support ifupdown2
-    die "you need ifupdown2 to reload networking\n" if !-e '/usr/share/ifupdown2';
-     #read main config for physical interfaces
-     my $current_config_file = "/etc/network/interfaces";
-     my $fh = IO::File->new($current_config_file);
-     my $interfaces_config = PVE::INotify::read_etc_network_interfaces(1,$fh);
-     $fh->close();
-     #check uplinks
-     my $uplinks = {};
-     foreach my $id (keys %{$interfaces_config->{ifaces}}) {
-        my $interface = $interfaces_config->{ifaces}->{$id};
-	if (my $uplink = $interface->{'uplink-id'}) {
-		die "uplink-id $uplink is already defined on $uplinks->{$uplink}" if $uplinks->{$uplink};
-		$interface->{name} = $id;
-		$uplinks->{$interface->{'uplink-id'}} = $interface;
-	}
-     }
-    my $sdn_cfg = PVE::Cluster::cfs_read_file('sdn.cfg');
-    my $vnet_cfg = undef;
-    my $transport_cfg = undef;
-    foreach my $id (keys %{$sdn_cfg->{ids}}) {
-	if ($sdn_cfg->{ids}->{$id}->{type} eq 'vnet') {
-	    $vnet_cfg->{ids}->{$id} = $sdn_cfg->{ids}->{$id};
-	} else {
-	    $transport_cfg->{ids}->{$id} = $sdn_cfg->{ids}->{$id};
-	}
-    }
-       #generate configuration
-       my $rawconfig = "";
-       foreach my $id (keys %{$vnet_cfg->{ids}}) {
-	     my $vnet = $vnet_cfg->{ids}->{$id};
-	     my $zone = $vnet->{transportzone};
-	     die "zone $zone don't exist" if !$zone;
-	     my $plugin_config = $transport_cfg->{ids}->{$zone};
-	     die "zone $zone don't exist" if !defined($plugin_config);
-             my $plugin = PVE::Network::SDN::Plugin->lookup($plugin_config->{type});
-             $rawconfig .= $plugin->generate_sdn_config($plugin_config, $zone, $id, $vnet, $uplinks);
-        }
-return $rawconfig;
-sub write_final_config {
-    my ($rawconfig) = @_;
-	#now write final separate filename
-	my $tmp_file = "/var/tmp/pve-vnet.cfg";
-	my $vnet_interfaces_file = "/etc/network/interfaces.d/vnet";
-	my $writefh = IO::File->new($vnet_interfaces_file,">");
-	print $writefh $rawconfig;
-	$writefh->close();

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