[pve-devel] Please help: beginner trying to compile Proxmox kernel 4.15

Thomas Lamprecht t.lamprecht at proxmox.com
Mon Sep 10 07:50:09 CEST 2018


On 9/10/18 5:12 AM, The Anh Tran wrote:> Dear Proxmox Dev Team,
> I'm trying to re-compile Proxmox VE 5.2 kernel, 4.15 branch, but no success so far.
> I've followed this README:
> https://git.proxmox.com/?p=pve-common.git;a=blob_plain;f=README.dev;hb=HEAD
> ###############################
> Install a fresh Proxmox VE 5.2 on my machine
> Download Debian 9.5 (standard) container template from machine-ip:8006 \ local \ Content screen. Spawn a container instance from this template, 120GB root disk.
> SSH to container instance
> apt-get install all build prerequisites per README instruction:
> /apt-get install git nano screen patch fakeroot build-essential devscripts libncurses5 libncurses5-dev libssl-dev bc flex bison libelf-dev libaudit-dev libgtk2.0-dev libperl-dev libperl-dev asciidoc xmlto gnupg gnupg2 rsync lintian debhelper libiberty-dev/
> ###############################
> /mkdir /source/
> /cd /source/
> ############ Build common PVE perl ###############
> /git clone git://git.proxmox.com/git/pve-common.git/
> /cd /source/pve-common/
> /make/
> /dpkg -i libpve-common-perl_5.0-38_all.deb/
FYI, pve-common not needed for building the kernel only.
It's the common library for all of our perl code (so all but kernel, qemu, lxc - to name the most popular ones)

> ############# Pull pve-kernel ################
> /git clone -b pve-kernel-4.15 --single-branch git://git.proxmox.com/git/pve-kernel.git/
> ############## Pull zfsonlinux ##########
> /cd /source/pve-kernel/submodules/
> /git clone git://git.proxmox.com/git/zfsonlinux.git/
FYI, zfsonlinux also has two submodules which may need initializing.

cd /source/pve-kernel/submodules/zfsonlinux && make submodule

also ensure that the correct commit is checked out on all submodules, i.e.,
git status -uno

Does not shows changes (especially on submodules), if so use:

git submodule update --init

to checkout the correct commit.

> ########### Pull ubuntu-bionic ###########
> /git clone git://git.proxmox.com/git/mirror_ubuntu-bionic-kernel.git/
> /mv mirror_ubuntu-bionic-kernel ubuntu-bionic/
> ####### Build it ##########
> /cd /source/pve-kernel/
> /make 2>&1 | tee ~/build-4.15.1.log/
> Build fail with this message:
> /install: target 'debian/pve-kernel-4.15.18-4-pve/lib/modules/4.15.18-4-pve/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/' is not a directory: No such file or directory//
> //debian/rules:99: recipe for target '.install_mark' failed/
this is just a symptom of an earlier error, something did not go right earlier.
can you please post your whole build log?
It's probably to big for the mailing list, so maybe use https://gist.github.com/
(or something other, somewhat trustworthy to click on)

> Inside this directory: //source/pve-kernel-4.15/build/debian/pve-kernel-4.15.18-4-pve/lib/modules/
> > There are:
> 4.15.18-4-pve     <=    this dir is empty
> 4.15.18-4-pve+  <=    this dir has files/
> /
> I edit this file /source/pve-kernel/debian/rules, add 2 commands at line 106
> /        ${MAKE} -C ${KERNEL_SRC} INSTALL_MOD_PATH=${BUILD_DIR}/debian/${PVE_KERNEL_PKG}/ modules_install//
> //
> /*/        rmdir debian/${PVE_KERNEL_PKG}/lib/modules/${KVNAME}/**/
> /**/        cp -a debian/${PVE_KERNEL_PKG}/lib/modules/${KVNAME}+ debian/${PVE_KERNEL_PKG}/lib/modules/${KVNAME}/**/
> /*/
> //        ## install latest ibg driver//
> /
> ########## make again ############
> /cd /source/pve-kernel/
> /make 2>&1 | tee ~/build-4.15.2.log/
> Build fail at this error:
> /input file 'debian/pve-headers-4.15.18-4-pve/usr/src/linux-headers-4.15.18-4-pve/Module.symvers' does not exist//
> //debian/rules:245: recipe for target 'abi-4.15.18-4-pve' failed/
> There is no linux-headers-4.15.18-4-pve directory inside.
> And there is no linux header to download from Proxmox git site.
this gets generated by the package you want to build, it's just the header files from the kernel...


> => don't know how to fix this error.
> Any input is appreciated.
> Best regards.

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