[pve-devel] RFE: pventer

René Jochum r.jochum at proxmox.com
Sun May 20 15:47:15 CEST 2018


the last few days I've been working on a utility to enter a Proxmox VE
LXC without SSH, it is meant for testing only and will be integrated
into pveclient if you guys like it: https://git.lxch.eu/pcdummy/pventer/

I wrote a client for both terminal emulators "Term::VTerm" and
"Term::VT102", VTerm runs with libvterm (a C library) which is IMHO much

For easy testing I've created debian packages of it and its dependencies:



The usage ( pventer(-vt102) --help ):

/usr/bin/pventer [-hnpuv] [long options...] <some-arg>
    -n STR --node STR      Node
    -u STR --username STR  Username
    -p STR --password STR  Your password
    -v INT --vmid INT      VMID
    -h --help              print usage message and exit

Node = IP or DNS of your PVE Host
Username = Your username ( root at pam or better a @pve user)
VMID = The VMID ( Number of VM ).

I hope you like it and find bugs/improvements!

René Jochum

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