[pve-devel] HTTP API : Cloudinit

Mariusz Miodowski mariusz at modulesgarden.com
Wed Mar 21 11:02:18 CET 2018

I mean custom cloud init script.

For example I want to inject code which downloads something using wget.

Mariusz Miodowski
ModulesGarden Development Team Manager

W dniu 21.03.2018 o 10:20, Dominik Csapak pisze:
> On 03/21/2018 10:15 AM, Mariusz Miodowski wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Thank you for quick response. I think that there is all I need.
>> However what do you think about injecting cloud-init file during VM
>> creation?
> do you mean the vm disk? i guess the better approach would be to clone
> a template if you need different base vms, but yes we already talked
> internally about this, but it would be non-trivial and there is no
> concrete plan/code yet
> or do you mean a custom cloud init script ?
>> Let's say that  I want to download custom software based on selected
>> configuration after VM creation, and don't want to prepare separated
>> images for that.
>> I am pretty sure that our customers will ask about such option.
>> Regards
>> Mariusz Miodowski
>> ModulesGarden Development Team Manager
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