[pve-devel] [PATCH container 2/2] adding linux LIO support

Udo Rader udo.rader at bestsolution.at
Fri Jun 8 12:27:28 CEST 2018

 PVE/Storage/LunCmd/LIO.pm | 398 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 398 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 PVE/Storage/LunCmd/LIO.pm

diff --git a/PVE/Storage/LunCmd/LIO.pm b/PVE/Storage/LunCmd/LIO.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d8c2ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PVE/Storage/LunCmd/LIO.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+package PVE::Storage::LunCmd::LIO;
+# lightly based on code from Iet.pm 
+# additional changes:
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (c) 2018 BestSolution.at EDV Systemhaus GmbH
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is released under the terms of the
+#            "GNU Affero General Public License"
+# and may only be distributed and used under the terms of the
+# mentioned license. You should have received a copy of the license
+# along with this software product, if not you can download it from
+# https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html
+# Author: udo.rader at bestsolution.at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use PVE::Tools qw(run_command);
+use JSON;
+sub get_base;
+# targetcli constants
+# config file location differs from distro to distro
+	'/etc/rtslib-fb-target/saveconfig.json',	# Debian 9.x et al	
+	'/etc/target/saveconfig.json' ,			# ArchLinux, CentOS
+my $BACKSTORE = '/backstores/block';
+my $SETTINGS = undef;
+my @ssh_opts = ('-o', 'BatchMode=yes');
+my @ssh_cmd = ('/usr/bin/ssh', @ssh_opts);
+my @scp_cmd = ('/usr/bin/scp', @ssh_opts);
+my $id_rsa_path = '/etc/pve/priv/zfs';
+my $targetcli = '/usr/bin/targetcli';
+my $execute_command = sub {
+    my ($scfg, $exec, $timeout, $method, @params) = @_;
+    my $msg = '';
+    my $err = undef;
+    my $target;
+    my $cmd;
+    my $res = ();
+    $timeout = 10 if !$timeout;
+    my $output = sub {
+    my $line = shift;
+    $msg .= "$line\n";
+    };
+    my $errfunc = sub {
+    my $line = shift;
+    $err .= "$line";
+    };
+    if ($exec eq 'scp') {
+        $target = 'root@[' . $scfg->{portal} . ']';
+        $cmd = [@scp_cmd, '-i', "$id_rsa_path/$scfg->{portal}_id_rsa", '--', $method, "$target:$params[0]"];
+    } else {
+        $target = 'root@' . $scfg->{portal};
+        $cmd = [@ssh_cmd, '-i', "$id_rsa_path/$scfg->{portal}_id_rsa", $target, '--', $method, @params];
+    }
+    eval {
+        run_command($cmd, outfunc => $output, errfunc => $errfunc, timeout => $timeout);
+    };
+    if ($@) {
+        $res = {
+            result => 0,
+            msg => $err,
+        }
+    } else {
+        $res = {
+            result => 1,
+            msg => $msg,
+        }
+    }
+    return $res;
+# fetch targetcli configuration from the portal
+my $read_config = sub {
+    my ($scfg, $timeout) = @_;
+    my $msg = '';
+    my $err = undef;
+    my $luncmd = 'cat';
+    my $target;
+    my $retry = 1;
+    $timeout = 10 if !$timeout;
+    my $output = sub {
+        my $line = shift;
+        $msg .= "$line\n";
+    };
+    my $errfunc = sub {
+        my $line = shift;
+        $err .= "$line";
+    };
+    $target = 'root@' . $scfg->{portal};
+    foreach my $oneFile (@CONFIG_FILES) {
+        my $cmd = [@ssh_cmd, '-i', "$id_rsa_path/$scfg->{portal}_id_rsa", $target, $luncmd, $oneFile];
+        eval {
+            run_command($cmd, outfunc => $output, errfunc => $errfunc, timeout => $timeout);
+        };
+        if ($@) {
+            die $err if ($err !~ /No such file or directory/);
+        }
+        $SETTINGS->{ConfigLocation} = $oneFile;
+        return $msg if $msg ne '';
+    }
+    die "No configuration found. Install targetcli on $scfg->{portal}" if $msg eq '';
+    return $msg;
+my $get_config = sub {
+    my ($scfg) = @_;
+    my @conf = undef;
+    my $config = $read_config->($scfg, undef);
+    die "Missing config file" unless $config;
+    return $config;
+# fetches and parses targetcli config from the portal
+my $parser = sub {
+    my ($scfg) = @_;
+    my $tpg = $scfg->{comstar_tg} || die "Target (Portal) Group not set, aborting!";
+    my $tpg_tag;
+    if ($tpg =~ /^tpg(\d+)$/) {
+	$tpg_tag = $1;
+    } else {
+	die "Target Portal Group has invalid value, must contain string 'tpg' and a suffix number, eg 'tpg17'";
+    }
+    my $base = get_base;
+    my $config = $get_config->($scfg);
+    my $jsonconfig = JSON->new->utf8->decode($config);
+    my $haveTarget = 0;
+    foreach my $oneTarget (@{$jsonconfig->{targets}}) {
+	# only interested in iSCSI targets
+        if ($oneTarget->{fabric} eq 'iscsi' && $oneTarget->{wwn} eq $scfg->{target}) {
+	    # find correct TPG
+	    foreach my $oneTpg (@{$oneTarget->{tpgs}}) {
+                if ($oneTpg->{tag} == $tpg_tag) {
+                    $SETTINGS->{target} = $oneTpg;
+                    $haveTarget = 1;
+                    last;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    # seriously unhappy if the target server lacks iSCSI target configuration ...
+    if (!$haveTarget) {
+	die "target portal group tpg$tpg_tag not found!";
+    }
+# removes the given lu_name from the local list of luns
+my $free_lu_name = sub {
+    my ($lu_name) = @_;
+    my $new;
+    foreach my $lun (@{$SETTINGS->{target}->{luns}}) {
+        if ($lun->{storage_object} ne "$BACKSTORE/$lu_name") {
+            push @$new, $lun;
+        }
+    }
+    $SETTINGS->{target}->{luns} = $new;
+# locally registers a new lun 
+my $register_lun = sub {
+    my ($scfg, $idx, $volname) = @_;
+    my $conf = {
+        index => $idx,
+        storage_object => "$BACKSTORE/$volname",
+        is_new => 1,
+    };
+    push @{$SETTINGS->{target}->{luns}}, $conf;
+    return $conf;
+# extracts the ZFS volume name from a device path
+my $extract_volname = sub {
+    my ($scfg, $lunpath) = @_;
+    my $volname = undef;
+    my $base = get_base;
+    if ($lunpath =~ /^$base\/$scfg->{pool}\/([\w\-]+)$/) {
+	$volname = $1;
+    }
+    return $volname;
+# retrieves the LUN index for a particular object
+my $list_view = sub {
+    my ($scfg, $timeout, $method, @params) = @_;
+    my $lun = undef;
+    my $object = $params[0];
+    my $volname = $extract_volname->($scfg, $params[0]);
+    foreach my $lun (@{$SETTINGS->{target}->{luns}}) {
+        if ($lun->{storage_object} eq "$BACKSTORE/$volname") {
+            return $lun->{index};
+        }
+    }
+    return $lun;
+# determines, if the given object exists on the portal
+my $list_lun = sub {
+    my ($scfg, $timeout, $method, @params) = @_;
+    my $name = undef;
+    my $object = $params[0];
+    my $volname = $extract_volname->($scfg, $params[0]);
+    foreach my $lun (@{$SETTINGS->{target}->{luns}}) {
+        if ($lun->{storage_object} eq "$BACKSTORE/$volname") {
+            return $object;
+        }
+    }
+    return $name;
+# adds a new LUN to the target
+my $create_lun = sub {
+    my ($scfg, $timeout, $method, @params) = @_;
+    if ($list_lun->($scfg, $timeout, $method, @params)) {
+        die "$params[0]: LUN exists";
+    }
+    my $device = $params[0];
+    my $volname = $extract_volname->($scfg, $device);
+    my $tpg = $scfg->{comstar_tg} || die "Target (Portal) Group not set, aborting!";
+    # step 1: create backstore for device
+    my @cliparams = ($BACKSTORE, 'create', "name=$volname", "dev=$device" );
+    my $res = $execute_command->($scfg, 'ssh', $timeout, $targetcli, @cliparams);
+    do {
+        die $res->{msg};
+    } unless $res->{result};
+    # step 2: register lun with target
+    # targetcli /iscsi/iqn.2018-04.at.bestsolution.somehost:target/tpg1/luns/ create /backstores/block/foobar
+    @cliparams = ("/iscsi/$scfg->{target}/$tpg/luns/", 'create', "$BACKSTORE/$volname" );
+    $res = $execute_command->($scfg, 'ssh', $timeout, $targetcli, @cliparams);
+    do {
+        die $res->{msg};
+    } unless $res->{result};
+    # targetcli responds with "Created LUN 99"
+    # not calculating the index ourselves, because the index at the portal might have
+    # changed without our knowledge, so relying on the number that targetcli returns
+    my $lun_idx;
+    if ($res->{msg} =~ /LUN (\d+)/) {
+        $lun_idx = $1;
+    } else {
+        die "unable to determine new LUN index: $res->{msg}";
+    }
+    $register_lun->($scfg, $lun_idx, $volname);
+    # step 3: unfortunately, targetcli doesn't always save changes, no matter 
+    #         if auto_save_on_exit is true or not. So saving to be safe ...
+    $execute_command->($scfg, 'ssh', $timeout, $targetcli, 'saveconfig');
+    return $res->{msg};
+my $delete_lun = sub {
+    my ($scfg, $timeout, $method, @params) = @_;
+    my $res = {msg => undef};
+    my $tpg = $scfg->{comstar_tg} || die "Target (Portal) Group not set, aborting!";
+    my $path = $params[0];
+    my $volname = $extract_volname->($scfg, $params[0]);
+    foreach my $lun (@{$SETTINGS->{target}->{luns}}) {
+        if ($lun->{storage_object} eq "$BACKSTORE/$volname") {
+            # step 1: delete the lun
+            my @cliparams = ("/iscsi/$scfg->{target}/$tpg/luns/", 'delete', "lun$lun->{index}" );
+            my $res = $execute_command->($scfg, 'ssh', $timeout, $targetcli, @cliparams);
+            do {
+                die $res->{msg};
+            } unless $res->{result};
+            # step 2: delete the backstore
+            @cliparams = ($BACKSTORE, 'delete', $volname);
+            $res = $execute_command->($scfg, 'ssh', $timeout, $targetcli, @cliparams);
+            do {
+                die $res->{msg};
+            } unless $res->{result};
+            # step 3: save to be safe ...
+            $execute_command->($scfg, 'ssh', $timeout, $targetcli, 'saveconfig');
+            # update interal cache
+            $free_lu_name->($volname);
+            last;
+        }
+    }
+    return $res->{msg};
+my $import_lun = sub {
+    my ($scfg, $timeout, $method, @params) = @_;
+    return $create_lun->($scfg, $timeout, $method, @params);
+# needed for example when the underlying ZFS volume has been resized
+my $modify_lun = sub {
+    my ($scfg, $timeout, $method, @params) = @_;
+    my $msg;
+    if ($delete_lun->($scfg, $timeout, $method, @params)) {
+        $msg = $create_lun->($scfg, $timeout, $method, @params);
+    }
+    return $msg;
+my $add_view = sub {
+    my ($scfg, $timeout, $method, @params) = @_;
+    return '';
+my $get_lun_cmd_map = sub {
+    my ($method) = @_;
+    my $cmdmap = {
+        create_lu   =>  { cmd => $create_lun },
+        delete_lu   =>  { cmd => $delete_lun },
+        import_lu   =>  { cmd => $import_lun },
+        modify_lu   =>  { cmd => $modify_lun },
+        add_view    =>  { cmd => $add_view },
+        list_view   =>  { cmd => $list_view },
+        list_lu     =>  { cmd => $list_lun },
+    };
+    die "unknown command '$method'" unless exists $cmdmap->{$method};
+    return $cmdmap->{$method};
+sub run_lun_command {
+    my ($scfg, $timeout, $method, @params) = @_;
+    # fetch configuration from target if we haven't yet
+    $parser->($scfg) unless $SETTINGS;
+    my $cmdmap = $get_lun_cmd_map->($method);
+    my $msg = $cmdmap->{cmd}->($scfg, $timeout, $method, @params);
+    return $msg;
+sub get_base {
+    return '/dev';

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