[pve-devel] [PATCH manager 1/2] add 'open console after create' checkbox for lxc

Thomas Lamprecht t.lamprecht at proxmox.com
Mon Jul 30 16:20:30 CEST 2018

Am 07/30/2018 um 03:06 PM schrieb Dominik Csapak:
> a typical use case for creating a vm is to finish the wizard,
> start the vm, and open the console to install the os
> we already have the 'start after create' in the backend,
> so implement the 'open console after create' in the frontend

Hmm, couldn't we always select the newly created guest after creation?
This is quite a common mechanic in user interfaces, from my observation,
and I'd honestly like that, as I often have to search for the VM/CT
after creating as I've quite a few test guests and often do not set a
explicit VMID and/or guest name, so using the global search is not an
option. And even for the productive admin, which hopefully sets sane 
names, this could be helpful and intuitive.
This selection would be nice independent of the start after create
option - e.g., I often want to do task not possible with the wizard,
change firmware to OVMF, add a few disks or additional NICs ...
And the inline console could be also selected, unconditionally or if
'start after create' was set, both OK IMO.

This then would cover your use case, plus a few additional ones like 
mine described - without adding another checkbox.
And an user can always just hit back in the browser to get to the
previous panel if he still wanted to do stuff there, we have a state

What do you think?

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